His heart clanged like fifteen buckets in a single well. 他心头上十五个吊桶打水,七上八下。
As the cheering faded, Igel introduced each faery, but the jumble of names clanged against my ears. 欢呼声低落下去后,伊格尔介绍起每个仙灵,这一大串名字在我耳边叮当作响。
A bell clanged upon her heart. A sudden sound of warning rang in her mind. 一阵警钟在她心中敲响。
When the metals clanged together, kuai and tin, he heard only consonance. 硬币丢在锡碗里叮当作响,而他听到的只有金属碰撞的韵律。
The metal tool clanged when it hit the wall. 这金属工具击墙时发出铿锵声。
The spade clanged when it hit the rock. 铁锹铲在石头上发出当的一声。
A bell clanged upon her heart. 一阵钟声在她心口当当响起。
One day when John was not very busy, a figure in a long, white robe appeared beside him as he clanged away making tools. 这一天,老约翰不太忙。当他正叮当叮当地打制工具时,一个身着白色长袍的身影出现在他眼前。
She clanged the metal gate shut behind her. 她哐啷一声把身后的金属大门关上了。
He clanged the fire bell. 他当当敲击火警钟。
When she was wondering whether the strain would ever cease, a dull-sounding bell clanged somewhere down an elevator shaft, and the end came. 她正在想这种苦工怎么没完没了时,从电梯通道那里传来了一阵沉闷的铃声,总算熬到头了。
The school bell clanged noisily. 学校的钟发出吵闹的叮当声。
The telephone rang at the stroke of six. He clanged the fire bell. 钟敲六下,电话铃响了。他当当敲击火警钟。
It was Sunday and the Cathedral bell clanged for matins The white man laughed softly, jingled some coins in his pocket. 这是一个星期日,大教堂的钟声叮叮当当地响着,招呼人们去作晨祷。那白人轻轻一笑,把口袋里的硬币弄得叮叮当当直响。
The tramdriver clanged his bell. 电车司机踏着铃发出叮叮当当的响声。