The flat sheet has a clasper at its one edge to hold end edge of display card and there is a fan located in the first plane. 平板其中一边缘具有一卡勾,夹持于显示卡的边缘。以及一风扇,位于第一平面。
This invention integrates the heat-dissipation devices for display chip and internal storage chip separately into one device, and a clasper is added for antidropping by vibration. 其将一般分别用于显示芯片与内存芯片的散热装置整合为一,并增加一卡勾以防止震动掉落。
Clasper, 9-tergum and 9-sterna of adult male insects of Leptoconops kerteszi complex 古塞细蠓复合组雄性成虫抱器及第9背腹板细微结构的研究
The manubrium of the male clasper is twice as long as its movable finger and those of T. 雄性柄状突为可动指长之倍。