As a representation of classicalism aesthetics in Germany, Schiller is an esthetician who discusses perfectly the theory of sublime aesthetics after Kant. 作为德国古典主义美学思想的代表,席勒是继康德后对崇高美学做出完善探讨的美学家。
Modernity or Classicalism& On the neoconservative critique to modern political ethics 现代还是古典&论新保守主义对现代性政治伦理的批判
At the same time it also comes into being Italian own New Classicalism Aesthetics on the effects of the whole European New Classicalism Aesthetics. 同时在整个欧洲新古典主义美学的影响下也产生了意大利自己的新古典主义美学;
Classicalism painting, through images displaying, emphasizes the expression functions of narration and literature; 古典主义绘画通过形象的表现,注重对其故事性和文学性的表述功能;
Indian classicalism esthetics is a mature configuration of Indian esthetics thought. 印度古典主义美学是印度美学思想的成熟形态。
Brahms was one of the greatest representative of German classicalism. 勃拉姆斯是德国古典主义最伟大的代表之一。
Romanticism is opposed to Classicalism in traditional musical conception, which represents the conflict between "form" and "feelings"," sensibility "and" reason ". 音乐的传统观念中古典与浪漫相互对立,表现为形式与情感的矛盾、理性与感性的冲突。
The aesthetic culture of Qin and Han dynasties is neither "realism" nor "romanticism", but" classicalism "whose main features are outward harmonious splendor. 秦汉审美文化既不是“现实主义”,也不是“浪漫主义”,而是以外向和谐的壮丽为总体时代特色的古典主义。
Modernism, classicalism and the naturalism in transcendentalism are the important content of Dan Kiley's design philosophy. 现代主义、古典主义以及超验主义者奉行的自然主义是丹.凯利设计思想的重要来源。
Non-arbitrage equilibrium is the characteristic defined by the new classicalism. 无套利均衡是新古典主义理论在特定条件下所界定的市场均衡特征。
The evolution of his comment strategy urged Liang gradually agreeing with the "May-Fourth" literary tradition, but his ultimate standpoint in literary theory is classicalism. 梁实秋批评策略的调整使他逐渐地认同五四新文学传统,但他在终极的文学理论上没有放弃古典主义立场。
The "Expression" issue is the key that the Occident plastic arts turned from classicalism to modernism, besides that it has also impelled the development of the modern plastic arts in Occident as a core, for hundred years since the beginning of 20th century. 表现问题是西方造型艺术由古典转向现代的关键所在,也是推动20世纪初以来近百年间西方现代造型艺术发展的一个核心问题。
From Classicalism to Modernism 从古典到现代
The Enlightenment had much important influence on the life, culture, aesthetic and other aspects of people in the period of classicalism, so we call the music aesthetic in this period "Music Aesthetic of Enlightenment". 启蒙主义思想对古典主义时期人们的生活、文化、审美等等各个方面都有非常深刻的影响,所以我们把这个时期的音乐审美观叫做启蒙主义音乐审美观。
On New Classicalism and LAN Hai-wen's Poems 谈新古典主义与蓝海文的诗
This paper discusses the following aspects: the cultural background of the Indian classicalism esthetics, the important influence that the traditional Indian thinking mode has on Indian classicalism esthetics, the basic principle of Indian classicalism esthetics and its performance in art creation. 本文分别论述了印度古典主义美学思潮产生的文化背景,印度传统的思维模式对于古典主义美学的形成所产生的重大影响,印度古典主义美学的基本原则以及它在艺术创作上的表现。
Originated from Bai Bide's new humanism, the theoretical construction of new poem by the classical poem school in modern China belongs to the thought of new classicalism. 中国现代格律诗派关于新诗形式理论的构建,缘起于白璧德的新人文主义,隶属于新古典主义思潮,其间构成逻辑的因果关系。
The research on employment can trace back to classicalism, but the employment theory formed in the 1930s when the crisis happened. 西方对就业问题的研究最早可以追溯到古典经济学家,但西方就业理论真正形成于20世纪30年代大危机期间。
To be controlled or liberalized is always the main point of interest theories. There is a hot debate between Classicalism Keynesianism Financial Restrain& Financial Deepening Theory and Neo-Keynesianism in the last century. 从古典经济学开始到凯恩斯主义、金融抑制金融深化理论以及新凯恩斯主义,管制还是自山化一直是利率理论长期以来争论不休的主要问题。
The first chapter of the thesis mainly gives an extensive description and discussion on the composing technique of romanticism and classicalism as well as the structuralism of 20-century music in Sibelius$ music works. 第一章主要是对西贝柳斯交响乐作品中所体现出来的浪漫主义特色和技法、古典主义精神和遗风以及对二十世纪音乐创作中的结构主义理念等进行了宽泛性的论述。
After summarizing the explanation of transferring from savings to investment from the schools such as classicalism, neo-classicalism, Marxism, Keynesianism and development economics, this paper discusses in theory and explains the four ordinary stages of transferring from savings to investment. 本论文在对古典、新古典理论、马克思主义、凯恩斯主义、发展经济学理论等理论流派关于储蓄向投资转化问题的理论综述之后,从理论上探讨并阐述了储蓄向投资转化的四个一般阶段。
Brahms's piano music incorporated German classicalism with Romanticism spirit, made unique contribution to the development of European music culture. 勃拉姆斯的钢琴音乐将德国古典主义传统与浪漫主义精神兼容通变,对欧洲钢琴音乐文化发展有着独特的贡献。
Tracing the Mercantilism, the Classicalism, the Keynesianism and the New Liberalism, also with the view of Information Economics and Institutional Economics, this paper demonstrates the relationship between the State Interference and the Laissez-faire is interdependent but not substitutive. 国家干预与自由放任的争论贯穿于重商主义、古典主义、凯恩斯主义和新自由主义理论中,信息经济学和制度经济学的发展论证了政府和市场走向交融的趋势。
On the other hand, his realistic painting bears explicit modern consciousness, differing from former realistic classicalism, both in the form and in the spirit connotation. 其次,怀斯的写实绘画不同于以往的古典主义写实,不论在形式上,还是精神内涵上都带有明确的现代意识。
There are beautiful painting in classicalism, idealistic photograph with deep significance, and graffiti piece with strong visual impact in an excellent cover design of the CD disc. 在一张优秀的唱片封面设计里我们既能看到优美的古典主义绘画,也能看到蕴含深刻意义的观念摄影,还能看到具有视觉冲击力的涂鸦作品等等。
Frank, a famous French composer, pianist and organist, was a prominent musician with classicalism and romanticism in the 19th European Music. 弗朗克是法国著名作曲家,管风琴家,钢琴家,是十九世纪欧洲乐坛上声名显赫的集古典主义与浪漫主义于一身的音乐家。
One is in terms of analysis of the origin of Service Economy thought, which includes classicalism controversy about Service Industry and Marxist Economy about service. 一是在分析服务经济思想渊源方面,包含了古典主义关于服务业的争论和马克思主义经济学关于服务的观点。
His works involve a wide range; in style they involve symphony, sonatas and cantatas, etc. On one hand, his works had the characteristics of the period of classicalism and romanticism; on the other hand, they also had the feathers of French nation. 他的作品涉及范围很广,在体裁上涉及交响乐,奏鸣曲,清唱剧等等。一方面他的作品具有古典主义和浪漫主义时期的特征,另一方面还具有法国民族的特点。
This article analyzed on the music and musical performance of the Brahms piano pieces OP. 118 and briefed the characteristic of his music, discussed the close connection between his music and classicalism. 本文通过对勃拉姆斯晚期钢琴小品OP.118的谱面和演奏分析,概括的介绍了勃拉姆斯钢琴小品的音乐特点,并且探讨了他与古典主义的不可分割的联系。
Philosophers who believed in romanticism thought they had completely different views which were opposed to Classicalism especially Cognition since 17th. 受浪漫主义影响的哲人自认为他们完全站在了古典主义的对立面,特别是17世纪以来认识论传统的对立面。