The characters in the novel were discriminated against and hurt because of racism/ classism/ sexism, while the persecuting spirit brought them closer to the fail in identity. 小说中的人物因种族、阶级、性别而受到歧视,公众的迫害精神则使人物进一步丧失了身份认同。
Oftentimes, her stories describe fierce conflicts, in which it is not hard to see a composite power structure that is based on racism and classism. 她的小说还往往描述激烈的冲突,从中不难看出一种由种族主义和阶级压迫组合起来的权力结构。
Was intending Lu Xun simultaneously to reflect the classism two flaws accidentally: Is one kind of enlightened imperialism and the way question. 在有意无意中鲁迅同时反映了阶级论的两个缺陷:是一种开明帝国主义和路径的问题。
The warm ethics supportor who to the ruling class morals Lu Xun revolts against the oppression by it to the proletariat the rational proof as well as degenerates the exposition which becomes the classism. 鲁迅以其对无产阶级反抗压迫的合理性论证以及对统治阶级道德堕落的揭露而成为阶级论的热情伦理赞成者。