古钢琴,击弦古钢琴(尤用于18世纪) A clavichord is a musical instrument rather like a small piano. When you press the keys, small pieces of metal come up and hit the strings. Clavichords were especially popular during the eighteenth century.
She inherited a clavichord from her aunt. 她从姑姑那儿继承了一架古钢琴。
In the seventeenth century the organ, the clavichord, and the harpsichord became the chief instruments of the keyboard group, a supremacy they maintained until the piano supplanted them at the end of the eighteenth century. 17世纪时风琴、敲弦琴和拨弦琴成为键盘乐器类的主要成员。这种至高无上的地位一直为它们所保持,直到18世纪末期钢琴将它们取代。
And even Bach, who composed forty-eight of the most various and inspired themes in his Well Tempered Clavichord, knew in advance the general formal mold that they were to fill. 即使创作了48首主题各异充满灵感的《平均律钢琴曲集》的巴赫也知道他们将遵循的一般模式。
That night I came home very late. I wanted to make a good excuse about the broken clavichord, but I really didn't know what to say. 那天晚上我回去很晚。我想为破坏钢琴的事找个借口,但是我真的不知道说什么才好。
That's why she wanted to play the clavichord. 这就是她想弹古钢琴的原因。
We have an old musical instrument. It is called a clavichord. 我们有一件古老的乐器.它叫击弦古钢琴。
After dinner Natasha went to the clavichord, at Prince Andrey's request, and began singing. 午宴后娜塔莎在安德烈公爵的请求下走到击弦古钢琴前面,唱起歌来。
My grandfather asked Candy to play the clavichord and she did, not very hard, of course. 爷爷叫小唐在古钢琴上弹琴,小唐就弹了,当然,不会很用力了。
Our clavichord is kept in the living-room. 我们的击弦钢琴是被放置在那客厅。
"Jackie!" while she was drinking the coffee, Candy suddenly asked me." Could I play the clavichord?" “杰克!”当小唐正在喝咖啡的时候,她突然问道,“我能弹一下这架古钢琴吗?”
It was made in Germany in1681.Our clavichord is kept in the living room. 它于1681年制造于德国,被我们保存在客厅里。
It is called a clavichord. 它被叫做一个击弦钢琴。
Don't try to pretend that you know nothing! The clavichord has been broken and it was your fault. 别假装你什么都不知道。这古钢琴坏了,就是你搞坏的!
Ofthe piano's predecessors, the clavichord is the closest to it. 作为钢琴的前身,大翼琴可以说是最接近的了。
The other is that Bach, given the choices available in his time, preferred many of his pieces to be played on the clavichord with its wider possibilities of subtle shading. 其二,对于自己的很多作品,巴赫本人更喜欢在击弦古钢琴而非羽管键琴上演奏,因为前者提供了更多微妙的描明摹暗的可能。
The clavichord was made in Germany. 这架击弦古钢琴是德国造的。
Produced large quantities of outstanding clavichord music works in Baroque period, these clavichords of music has the characteristics that different from a modern piano of music. 巴洛克时期产生了一大批优秀的古钢琴音乐作品,这些古钢琴音乐具有有别于现代钢琴音乐的特点。
Discuss the clavichord music in Baroque period lightly 浅谈巴洛克古钢琴音乐
In this essay, something between Yangqin and clavichord will be compared and have an analysis, to explore the underlying reason for sinicizing and development is due to the taste of music in the specific historical conditions. 本文通过扬琴与古钢琴的比较分析,探寻扬琴在中国扎根的根本原因是由于中国特定历史条件下的音乐审美观促成的。