Clawbacks on Wall Street were once as rare as they were in sports but all of that is changing. 过去,华尔街追回交易员非法所得的现象极为罕见,就跟体育界的情况一样,但现在一切都在改变。
So far, though, clawbacks on the street are a rarity, but more cases are expected to float to the surface thanks to Dodd-Frank. 迄今为止,华尔街追回非法收入的现象仍然很罕见,但归功于多德弗兰克法案,预计越来越多类似的案例将浮出水面。
On top of all of this, assessing the long-term implications of business decisions and tying them appropriately to short-term executive pay is complicated, and clawbacks can be tricky to execute. 此外,评估商业决策的长期意义,把它与高管短期薪酬挂钩,是一个非常复杂的过程,而且“追回利益”也很难操作。
While some managers will have substantial clawbacks in the wake of the trading debacle, the compensation committee is punting on others. 交易巨亏后有些经理的高额奖金将被追回,但薪酬委员会选择对其他人高抬贵手。
Shareholders have foolishly tolerated pay schemes based on short-term results and without clawbacks. 股东们愚蠢地接受了基于短期业绩、没有追回条款的薪资方案。
In 2009, the bank gave out restricted options that vest after three years and cash that is held by Morgan Stanley for a similar period and is subject to "clawbacks" if the employee underperforms. 2009年,该行发放了三年后到期的限制性期权以及由该行持有的类似年限、视员工表现可能会被“收回”的现金。
Of the 79 companies disclosing clawbacks for executives, 34 adopted or enhanced these recently, according to Clearbridge. clearbridge称,在79家披露高管奖金收回条款的公司中,有34家是在最近采纳或完善了这些条款。
There is increasing industry alarm that draft guidance on how to implement the law could see restrictions such as bonus deferrals and clawbacks which are already enforced in the banking sector imposed on a wider range of big funds than first thought. 该行业越来越多的人警告称,有关如何实施这一法律的指南草案,可能会对数量超过最初想象的大型基金实行各种限制措施,如奖金延期和收回银行业已经实行了这些限制措施。
Can deferred bonuses and clawbacks be made to stick? 延期支付和收回奖金的做法能否坚持下去?
People familiar with the matter said there would be accountability, but no final decisions on clawbacks had been reached. 知情人士称,该行将追究责任,但尚未作出有关扣奖金的最终决定。