As the company broadens into international markets, as it pushes toward new goals like being a clearinghouse for realtime business news, and as it partners with companies and developers on its LinkedIn platform, positive-word-of mouth can only help these efforts gain traction. 随着这家公司进军国际市场,力争成为实时商业新闻的交流中心,同时与LinkedIn平台上的企业以及开发商结成伙伴关系,良好的口碑绝对是个加分项。
To do this, visit the clearinghouse Web site ( see the link in Resources), and click Submit IEPD Information to get a form on which you can upload your IEPD. 为此,访问clearinghouseWeb站点(参见参考资料中的链接),并单击SubmitIEPDInformation以得到一个窗体,在该窗体上可以上载IEPD。
By using the aggregation component as a clearinghouse for all data exchanges, your application is guaranteed to have the most recent context for all the values that it tracks. 通过将聚合组件作为所有数据交换的交换场所,可保证应用程序对于跟踪的所有值保留最新的上下文。
The Scrum Master acts as a clearinghouse for issues and communication rather than a "boss" controlling the team. Scrum管理者充当一个问题和交流的“票据交换所”,而不是一个控制整个团队的老板。
But each government retains the authority to conduct its own risk analysis and decide when to act, with Montreal-based ICAO basically serving as a clearinghouse for 'notices to airmen,' known in the industry as Notams. 但各国政府保留自主进行安全分析并决定何时采取行动的权力,而总部位于蒙特利尔的ICAO则主要扮演航行通告(Notam)交流中心的角色。
National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse ( NDIC) 国家糖尿病信息交换中心(NDIC)
A clearinghouse settles trades between holders and writers and credits profits or losses. 票据交易所处理期权拥有者与发行者以及信用利润或者损失之间的交易。
Andrew gives an example of a clearinghouse for scientific problems and problem solvers, which posted descriptions of problems over the Web. Andrew给出了一个票据交换所的例子,他们将对问题的描述发到了网上以寻求答案。
Established by the Help America Vote Act of2002, the Election Assistance Commission serves primarily as a national clearinghouse and resource for information on elections. 根据2002年《帮助美国投票法案》成立,选举协助委员会主要作为选举信息全国交换中心和资源。
Options trading is organized by a clearinghouse. 期权交易被一个票据交易所所组织。
CFSTI ( Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information) The central notion in commutative algebra is that of a prime ideal. 交换代数中最核心的概念就是素理想。
Gov, a clearinghouse of information on how the federal government works and how tax money is spent. 在这个网站上可以查到联邦政府工作情况以及税款支出的信息。
Electrocardiogram manifestation in process of diagnosis and treatment to fulminant myocarditis Clearinghouse for Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval 暴发性心肌炎诊治过程中的心电图表现网络信息发现和检索中心
The clearinghouse informs every exchange member of their net settle status. 清算所将每个交易所清算成员各自的净结算头寸通知他们。
The clearing firm representing the seller notifies the clearinghouse that its short customers want to deliver on a futures contract. 代表卖家的经纪公司通知清算所期货合同中的卖家希望交货了。
The company, a clearinghouse that provides blood samples for medical research, called her back three more times this school year. 这个为医学研究提供血液样本的中介公司,这学期把她召回了三四次。
Geosciences clearinghouse uses metadata to navigate and discover distributed datasets according to the user query requests. 当前地学数据交换中心基于元数据的发现模式存在着两个潜在的语义冲突问题。
International cleaner production information clearinghouse; 国际清洁生产信息交换所;
Study on the Application of Metadata Techniques in the Geosciences Data Clearinghouse 元数据技术在地学数据共享网络中的应用探讨
Clearinghouse& Digital Geographic Information Sharing Clearinghouse(数据交换中心)与数字化地理信息共享
As they are not backed by the guarantee of a clearinghouse or an exchange and each counterparty is exposed to the credit risk of the other party, In fact most of them embed the credit risk. 由于场外期权上不存在像清算公司那样的第三方担保,交易的每一方都暴露在另一方的信用风险下,因此,大多数场外期权实际上都是含有信用风险的。