The former All-Star pitcher Roger Clemens remains in court, attempting to clear his name in a scandal that has forever tarnished the game of baseball. 前全明星投手罗杰•克莱门斯(RogerClemens)还在等待法庭的裁决,希望能与一桩永远玷污了棒球运动的丑闻摆脱干系。
Mark Twain is a pseudonymity for Samuel Langhorne Clemens. 马克吐温是萨缪尔兰亨克里曼斯的笔名。
Almost as soon as it began former baseball star Roger Clemens's perjury trial ended Thursday. 卡莱门周四的伪证审讯几乎是一开庭就结束了。
So these circumstances are perfect for Clemens 'sense of himself. 所以这些大环境正好是克莱门斯可以昭显他自己。
Yet there have been some playful hints lately that Clemens could favor the Yankees. 然而最近有一些暗示说火箭人将会选择洋基。
Take Clemens and Rodriguez off of roofing. 叫克莱门和雷根斯,别弄那个屋顶了。
They are still broadly perceived as low-risk investments over the long term, said John Clemens, Tulip managing partner. 郁金香财务研究的管理合伙人约翰•克莱门斯(JohnClemens)称:长期来看,这些公司的股票仍普遍被视为低风险投资。
Rocket shot: roger Clemens got a second opinion on his ailing right elbow yesterday in houston, then he received a cortisone shot. 克莱门斯在休斯顿另寻他右肘问题的诊断和医师看法,然后他注了一剂可体松。
What could be more of an answered prayer than the addition of Roger clemens? 有什麽经祷告而得到的回答能够比克莱门斯的加入更棒的。
For example, according to a recent summary by the economists Michael Clemens, Claudio Montenegro and Lant Pritchett, white men earn 27 per cent more in the US than white women. 举例来说,经济学家迈克尔•克莱门斯(MichaelClemens)、克劳迪奥•蒙特内格罗(ClaudioMontenegro)和兰特•普里切特(LantPritchett)最近在一份摘要中表示,美国白人男性的收入比白人女性高27%。
Samuel Clemens, who was known as Mark Twain, became a famous American writer. 塞缪斯·克莱门斯,以马克·吐温知名,成了美国名作家。
Clemens will spend the weekend at home, rejoining the Yankees next week in Toronto. 老克周末将留在家中,下周在多伦多与洋基会合。
A psychologist of the same period, Clemens France, saw similarities between gambling and faith: both expressed a need for reassurance, order and salvation. 与之同一时期一位心理学家克莱门斯·弗朗斯,发现了赌博和信仰之间的相似之处:两者都表达出这样的意思,消除疑虑的需求,秩序以及拯救。
New york& roger Clemens is a yankee. 纽约新闻&火箭人要在洋基升空了!
In fact, Clemens might be the entire cavalry. 事实上,克莱门斯也许就是那个骑士。
Clemens showed he still had his splitter Saturday, but he will have to gain more velocity with his fastball. 老克在上周六投出不错的指叉球,但他还要多加点速度在他的快速球上。
Samuel Clemens began his writing career as a reporter. 萨缪尔克莱门斯以当记者开始他的写作生涯。
Samuel Langhorne Clemens earned his steamboat pilot's license. 塞缪尔朗荷恩克列门斯拿到了轮船舵手执照。
Torre said that he has not spoken recently with clemens, but he has heard promising reports. 老爹说他最近没跟克莱门斯聊过,但他已经听过有希望的报告。
Clemens beat the Red Sox and Beckett with a dominant performance in New York on Aug. 29. 8月29日老克以优异的表现击败了贝基特。
They will have to try to avoid a series sweep on Thursday behind starter Roger clemens. 洋基需要在星期四火箭人的掩护下避免被横扫的命运。
Mark Twain and Samuel Clemens were one and the same. 马克吐温和塞缪尔克莱门斯是一个人。
This is what Clemens and his colleagues call "the great discrimination". 这就是克莱门斯和他的同事所说的“巨大歧视”。
Clemens would likely need a series of Minor League appearances in order to prepare for Major League action. 火箭人可能需要在小联盟投几场球来为回到大联盟做准备。
About three years after Clemens received his pilot's license, the civil war cut off Mississippi steamboating in its prime. 克莱门斯领到他的领航员驾驶执照后大约过了三年,正值鼎盛时期的密西西比河上的汽船航行被南北战争中断了。
Former players said Mr Clemens had stayed successful by learning a new way of pitching, not by using drugs. 前运动员说克莱门斯通过学习一种新的头球方而继续成功,而不是食用药品。
I believe he was lying originally when he defended his lord and liege, Roger Clemens. 我相信他最初的供词是谎言,他当初是为了保护他的主子老克。
Clemens says he plans to answer questions about allegations in the future. 克莱门斯称他之后会回应指控。
Coupling of elastoplastic finite elements to elastic boundary clemens, ( 3). 弹塑性有限元与弹性边界元的耦合;