As a time-measuring apparatus, the clepsydra is used more widely than the sundial. 作为计时器,漏刻的使用比日晷史为普遍。
Galileo used a mercury clepsydra to time his experimental falling Bodies. 直到16世纪时,迦利略还用水银漏壶为其自由落体实验计时。
The Romans invented a clepsydra consisting of a cylinder into which water dripped from a reservoir; a float provided readings against a scale on the cylinder wall. 罗马人发明的一种漏壶则是让水从蓄水器滴入一圆筒,筒内有一浮子,在筒壁的刻度尺上指示读数。
Before the mechanical clock was imported into China, the clepsydra was the most widely used time-measuring device. 在机械钟表传入中国之前,漏刻是我国使用最普遍的一种计时器。
The invention and use of the gnomon-and-ruler, sundial, clepsydra and other time-measuring machines is evidence of Chinese wisdom. 圭表、日晷、漏刻等计时仪器的发明和应用,证明中华民族是个充满智慧的民族。
The steelyard clepsydra, a special type of clepsydra, had been the chief timekeeping instrument during the Sui-Tang period and the earlier stage of the Northern Song dynasty. 秤漏是一种特殊类型的漏刻,在隋唐及北宋前期曾是司天机构的主要计时仪器。
The fourth and fifth guesses about the clepsydra on horseback 关于马上漏刻的第四第五种推测
The structure, reading set and observing methods of the instruments for time measuring and keeping, such as gnomon, sundial, armillary sphere and clepsydra in Song dynasty, have been analysed and their observation errors have been obtained. 对我国宋代测时设备圭表、日晷、浑仪和守时设备漏壶,从它们的结构,读数装置、观测方法等分析其观测误差。
A Possible Structure of Li Lan's Steelyard Clepsydra and Its Principle for the Stabilization of Average Flow Velocity 李兰秤漏的一种可能结构及其平均流速稳定原理
Generally, the Astronomical Bureau managed the technical direction about clepsydra. The Ministry of Sacrifice and the Crown Prince Shuai Geng Temple took on the concrete management of clepsydra being aimed at specific demand. 一般而言,太史局属于负责技术指导的漏刻行政管理部门,而祠部和太子率更寺则承担有特定需求的具体的漏刻计时管理工作。