He made narrow clerestory windows in the temple. 又为殿作了严紧的窗棂。
The extract takes room air through the light shelf and lower window venetian blind cavity via the clerestory glazing plenum. 这些汲取设备通过遮阳构架和较低的活动百叶窗间隙再经由天窗双层玻璃或的室内通风。
Based on the smoke control design theory for atrium buildings in UK, uses natural smoke exhausting in the atrium of Dongguan International Convention Centre by taking the atrium as the smoke reservoir and setting up extraction clerestory windows on the roof. 借鉴英国中庭建筑烟雾控制设计理论,对该会展中心采用以中庭高大空间为储烟腔,并在屋面设置排烟天窗的自然排烟方式。