The clerics have brought ruination on our people. 这些牧师给我们带来了灭亡。
But he stopped short of endorsing the announced decision of Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to have the powerful Guardian Council of Islamic clerics investigate the allegations. 不过他没有对报导所说的伊朗最高领导人哈梅内伊的决定表示赞同,哈梅内伊决定让有权威的伊朗宪法监护委员会的神职人员调查这些指称。
Angel's wife felt almost as if she had been hounded up that hill like a scorned thing by those-to her-super-fine clerics. 安棋尔的妻子差不多感到,她仿佛是一个被侮弄的东西,被那些在她看来极其高雅的牧师赶到了山上。
And over time, as codes of law sought to control violence within groups, so did philosophers and clerics and statesmen seek to regulate the destructive power of war. 后来,随着旨在控制群体内部暴力的规范的出现,哲学家、宗教领袖和政治家也纷纷致力于用条文限制战争的破坏力。
Any limitations Iranian officials and high-ranking clerics impose on Internet access are in violation of UN treaties. 伊朗官方及高级传教士对互联网接入等方面的任何限制都是违反联合国条约的。
The cancellation of human disease at genome level, which affects an individual and all their descendants, requires contemplation beyond the laboratory& by philosophers, lawyers, clerics and the public. 在基因组层面消除人类疾病,将影响个人及其所有后代,这需要实验室以外的社会各界进行考量&哲学家、律师、宗教人士和公众。
The council of clerics in charge of selecting and supervising Iran's supreme leader chose Tuesday to make a hardline conservative its new chairman. 伊朗负责选择和监督最高领袖的神职人员委员会星期二选举保守的强硬派人物穆罕默德•亚兹迪为该会议新的主席。
France's Muslim community is trying to come up with its own means of financing its clerics. 法国的穆斯林社区试图找到自己负担神职人员工资的途径。
The grand clerics of both schools – the Shia from Tehran, Qom and Najaf, and the Sunni from Riyadh and Cairo – have called upon their followers to take up arms against Isis. 两大教派的高级宗教领袖德黑兰、库姆和纳杰夫的什叶派领袖、以及利雅得和开罗的逊尼派领袖都号召各自的信徒们拿起武器抗击ISIS。
Inquisitors are Clerics who have vowed their servitude to Elrath and the advancement of the Holy Falcon Empire and its Church. 圣裁官是向艾尔拉思以及神圣帝国和其教会宣誓服役的牧师。
With piety deepening worldwide, and with state clerics often seen as stooges, the faithful seek out scholarly views that are conservative enough to suit them. 由于全球范围内日渐加深的宗教虔诚,同时国家神职人员又常被视为走狗,信徒们想获得保守程度适宜他们的学术观点。
The Clerics of Northshire Abbey come to the aid of the King Llane. 北郡牧师圣教会开始协助国王莲恩。
Comments on the Miscellaneous Essay in Hongkong; Opinion columns bemoan the fanaticism of its youth, the remoteness of its rulers and the power of its clerics. 重镇·财富·奇观&香港专栏杂文的评价专栏评论则为沙特阿拉伯青年的狂热,统治者的冷漠,和宗教组织的掌权而哀叹。
Such reforms as these were so completely inadequate that they failed to give satisfaction to the host of clerics and laymen who desired a thorough reform. 这样的改革远未够火候,因为他们不能满足许多神俗两届期待彻底改观的官员的要求。
One of the most influential Sunni clerics, the Sheikh of al-Azhar in Cairo, has condemned attacks on protesters taking refuge in mosques. 最有影响力的逊尼派牧师之一,开罗爱资哈尔的Sheikh谴责安全部队袭击在清真寺中避难的抗议者。
Clerics vie continuously to create better tasting and more powerful curative potions than their brethren of other faiths. 教士争夺,不断创造更好的味道比其他信仰的兄弟更强大的治疗药水。
Candace has put out a newsletter to clerics, to announce the Second Coming. 坎迪斯发布了一封给牧师的简讯,宣告基督再临。
Archbishop Faol takes the remaining clerics with him and forms the Order of the Silver Hand. 大主教法奥带领剩下的牧师,组建了银手骑士团。
In order that the morals and conduct of clerics may be reformed for the better, let all of them strive to live in a continent and chaste way, especially those in holy orders. 为了使道德和行为的神职人员可能是改革的更好,让他们都努力生活在大陆和纯洁的方式,特别是在神圣的命令。
Certain Mishakite clerics take their healing arts a step further, learning to channel even more sacred energy into their work and conduct themselves with confidence in the thick of battle. 某些米莎凯的牧师在治疗的技艺上更进一步,学习如何使用更加神圣的能量,以及如何在混战当中镇定自若的工作。
Necromancy and enchanting are two kinds of magic. Healers are clerics, and they can be either Dark or Light. 死灵魔法和幻术是两种魔法,治疗者都是牧师(属于另外一种魔法),他们可以属于任何一个阵营。
For over a decade critics in Washington and Paris have been accusing Britain of protecting dangerously radical clerics. 十多年来,华盛顿和巴黎一直在谴责英国保护了危险的极端主义教士。
First, British and French clerics demonised Russian Orthodoxy as a semi-pagan creed. 首先,英法两国教士将俄国东正教妖魔化为一种半异教信条。
Senior Nigerian clerics have told the BBC they have met the country's ailing President, Umaru Yar'Adua, saying he had difficulty speaking. 尼日利亚一些高级神职人员接受BBC采访是称,他们曾会见过抱病的亚拉杜瓦总统,他目前说话困难。
Leading a retinue to rival a king, these clerics are outlawed in Sweden but still deliver holy chastisement to the foes of Denmark and Norway. 由于他们与国王相悖,这些教士被瑞典宣布放逐,但依旧存在于丹麦挪威,随时准备对任何敌人施以威严神圣的惩罚。
Some bombs had been sent to clerics wrapped as gifts. 把炸弹包裹成礼物模样送到神职人员手上。
Among the numerous and mixed real estate personnel were western businessmen, rogues, clerics, traditional Chinese bureaucratic landowners, compradors and enterprisers. 近代上海房地产经营人员极为庞杂,有西方商人、流氓、教士,也有中国传统地主官僚、买办和工商业者。
The study shows that the old of the clan, clerics, cadres and economic elites have formed a "multi-authority" in the village, because they are in charge of different social capitals. 研究发现,那些宗族中的长老、宗教神职人员、村干部以及经济精英由于掌握着不同的社会资本,在村落中形成了多元权威的局面。