Societies retain their tribal structures based on extended family kinships and clientage. 社会保持了基于家族血族关系和委托关系的宗族结构。
With regard to the affirmance of the employment relation, the article distinguishes the employment relation from the contractor relation, the employment relation from the labor relation, the employment relation from the clientage; 关于雇佣关系的确认,文章区分了雇佣关系与承揽关系、雇佣关系与劳动关系、雇佣关系与委托关系;
These enterprises haven't made in order the clientage and agent relationship, lack perfect encouragement and restriction mechanism, have a kind of frightened sense to outside talents, exist in the mode of family management, and don't accord with the demands for modern enterprise system. 没有理顺委托代理关系,企业内部缺少完善的激励约束机制,对外来人才有一种恐惧感,还是存在家族化管理,不符合现代企业制度的要求。
Based on these, the paper gives the possible modes of development for capital extending of Jiangsu littoral ports, including property reorganization mode, strategic alliance mode, clientage mode, supplying chain mode. 在此基础上给出江苏沿江港口资本扩张式发展的可能模式包括:资产重组模式、战略联盟模式、委托代理模式、供应链模式;
The paper analyzes deficit and clientage link in audit and gives suggestions on how to regulate audit for listed companies. 文章分析了审计活动各个委托环节及其缺陷,并从该角度出发,给出了规制我国上市公司审计的几点建议。
In consideration that the salesmen in life insurance industry will be directly under the influence of clientage surrogate relation, this essay also has certain referential value for other companies in life insurance industry. 鉴于目前寿险行业的营销员在短时期内仍受到委托代理关系的直接影响,因此,本文对于寿险行业的其他公司也具有一定的参考价值。
It is a new direction of innovations in audit relationship that to introduce "the fourth party", who is independent to both managers and shareholders in the project of solving the problem of audit independence and clientage in auditing. 这样,在解决审计独立性和审计委托关系问题的方案中,引入一个既独立于管理者,又相对独立于现有股东的第四方来行使审计委托权,就成为审计委托关系改革的新方向。
However, due to the situation that this industry is currently operated under the marketing mode of individual surrogate, the relation built between life insurance companies and salesmen is a clientage relation. 然而,由于目前该行业主要是以个人代理人为主的市场营销模式,该模式中寿险公司与营销员建立的是委托代理关系。