Finally, after reaching a climactic stalemate, Ari finds an unexpected solution to their love affair – a private world where reality and fantasy mesh into a strange harmony. 最后,到达一个无法收拾的局面,矣华竟做了一个意料外的决定–一个将幻想与现实融合的秘密世界。
The climactic battle involves a drawn-out duel with Princess Iron Fan ( Chen Jiaojiao), named after the implement that Monkey and his pals must borrow to make their way through a fiery volcano. 打斗戏的高潮是与铁扇公主(陈娇娇[音译])的漫长决斗。猴子和他的同伴们在取经路上要翻过一个炽热的火山(实为火焰山&译注),必须跟铁扇公主借扇子。
I found myself, during the entrapment scene as well as the climactic amputation scene, just watching the movie as a really well told story* very well made and very authentic as well; 我发现我自己,在看到诱捕的场景以及高潮的截止场景时,仅仅把电影看做是个制作的很好,很真实的故事;
A time when industrialism was beginning its climactic forward surge. 工业社会开始走向其发展高潮的时期。
End, esp. to reach a final or climactic stage. 结束,例如达到最终的或者定点的阶段。
In addition to the choreography, fans have also been buzzing about the clip's climactic fight scene, which finds Britney dueling it out with another version of herself. 除了舞蹈,球迷们也被匆匆忙忙地剪辑的高潮的打斗场面时,发现其决斗“小甜甜”布兰妮和另一版本的自己。
Typically a main character will be a long climactic fight or experience while a secondary character will be a short fight. 尤其是主要角色会有长时间高潮的打斗或体验,而次要角色则会有短时间的打斗。
Return for the climactic chapter of the Star Wars saga. 为星球大战传奇的高潮篇章而归来。
He keeps it secret from her until a climactic point in the story. 在故事的高潮来临之前他对她一直保守秘密。
Conclusion Bilateral ovariectomy may affect the climactic symptoms in post-menopausal women, especially in early menopausal period. 结论双侧卵巢切除对绝经后妇女的绝经期症状有不同程度的影响,对绝经早期妇女的影响较为明显。
It's almost like a tongue-in-cheek play on the climactic moment of a traditional car chase. 这就好似一出传统追车戏在高潮部分突然变成了一出哑剧。
In Episode III, viewers will see the climactic finale of the Clone Wars. 在星球大战第三集,观众将看到克隆人战争的巅峰结局。
In a nutshell however, the Nine act story structure allows the story to progress from it's beginning through the body of the story, a reversal and to a climactic ending. 简单的说9幕故事结构使游戏从开始,穿过故事主要部分,逆转,发展到高潮结局。
The third movement of the symphony ends in a climactic crescendo. 交响乐的第三乐章在激动的高潮中结束。
In the final war on Earth, two sides struggled against each other in a desperate, climactic battle far above the planet. 在最后一战对地球上,敌我双方的斗争,对方绝望,气候战役远远高于这个星球。
The turning point: We've looked at the start and the finale-now define the climactic point in the narrative, and demonstrate how that moment brings fundamental issues to the surface. 转折点:我们已经看了开头和结尾――现在要找出叙述的高潮点,并说明如何在那个时间点上让最重要的问题浮现出来。
So now, after two rambling years comes the final and the greatest adventure, the climactic battle to kill the false being within, and victoriously conclude the spiritual revolution. 他以路为家。过了两年流浪生活之后,他现在迎来了最后的也是最棒的冒险,高潮性的一战:消除内在的虚伪,在心灵革命中吹响胜利的号角。
France has a particular blend of climactic conditions and land that is difficult to reproduce elsewhere. 法国有个不同的气候条件和土地很难重现其它地方的独特的混合。
The climactic fight scene was shot in the middle of a heatwave, with temperatures in excess of100 degrees. 战争高潮的那个场景是在最热的时候拍摄的,气温在华氏100度以上。
The follow results are been drawn: The grape and fresh Jujube are respiratory non climactic fruits. The change of the content of ABA of grape and fresh Jujube during storage characterizes by a parabolic shaped curve with obvious peak. 结果表明:葡萄、鲜枣均为呼吸非跃变型果实,贮期ABA的变化呈抛物线形,有明显的高峰出现。
The context body is the analysis of climactic relation using eulerian graph. 本文的主体部分是对递进关系进行欧拉图分析。
After the politics relation between China and Korea walked up to normalization, cultural exchange appears climactic again. 中韩两国政治关系走向正常化后,再次出现了交流的高潮。
The results showed that kiwifruit, as a typical kind of respiratory climactic fruit, had obvious respiratory climacteric and ethylene production peaks. 结果表明:‘金魁’果实属典型的呼吸跃变型果实,具有明显的呼吸跃变和乙烯释放高峰。
China's warm and climactic reception of western theory in the 1980s has to do with the development of modernity in China. 1980年代中国对20世纪西方文论的广泛兴趣与中国现代性的发展有密切关系。
At last, his climactic step takes him through recognition of the loss of the phallic symbol and acceptance of symbolic castration, to final submission to the death and the Other and authority of the father. 最后,通过一系列,承认自己菲勒斯的缺失,然后接受符号的阉割,到最终接受死亡和大的他者认同了父亲的权威,高潮性的完成了镜像的最后一步。