Effect of Swine Parturition Induced by Hormones of Cloprostenol and Oxytocin 国产氯前列烯醇和催产素诱导母猪分娩效果初探
The results showed that the cloprostenol could activate the sperms, increase the childbirth rate and the average baby birth number for each female fox, boost the reproduction performance for fox and be used in practice. 结果表明,氯前列烯醇可以提高母蓝狐的产仔率、胎产仔数,改变精子的休眠状态并活化精子,对狐繁殖具有积极作用,在生产中具有一定的应用价值。
In order to study effect on synchronization of estrus to recipient bovines about introduction time and nutrition, recipient bovines were synchronized with CIDR and Cloprostenol. 应用CIDR加氯前列烯醇对受体牛进行同期发情处理,研究引进时间和不同的营养状况对受体牛同期发情影响的效果。
The detection of GnRH in peripheral blood sera of beef cows during oestrous cycle before and after treatments with PMSG and its antibodies and cloprostenol 黄牛孪生处理前后发情周期的外周血中GnRH水平
Estrus with Cloprostenol in Abortion Goats in summer 在夏季应用氯前列烯醇诱导流产山羊发情的研究
Study on Oestrous Synchronization in Yak Treated with Cloprostenol 氯前列烯醇诱导牦牛同期发情效果的研究
Efficacy of injection of freeze dried cloprostenol on induction of parturition in sows 氯前列烯醇冷冻干燥针剂诱导母猪同期分娩研究
Results show that cloprostenol can be used to induce the estrus of Tree shrew and increase their reproductive rate effectively. 由此表明,氯前列烯醇能有效诱发树鼩的发情,提高其繁殖率。
Application of Cloprostenol for Increasing Conception Rate of Introduced Holstein Dairy Cow 应用氯前列烯醇提高引进荷斯坦奶牛受胎率的试验研究