Mr Sutherland may have the clout needed to push the two trading giants into a deal 萨瑟兰先生也许有能力促使两大贸易巨头达成协议。
The two firms wield enormous clout in financial markets. 两家公司在金融市场有非常大的影响力。
The clout and importance of the female audience has never been bigger. 女性观众的势力和重要性从未如此之大。
Some companies take these employees 'social clout into account when handing out raises and promotions. 在分配加薪和升职机会时,有些企业还会将这些员工的社交影响力考虑进去。
The salient feature of the third world was that it wanted economic and political clout. 第三世界的突出特点便是希望拥有政治和经济影响力。
As China's economic and political clout has increased, the country's politicians have become international globetrotters. 当中国的经济和政治的破布已经增加,国家的政治家已经成为国际的环球游览者。
The move is expected to further strengthen China's clout in international capital markets. 预计此举将进一步增强中国在国际资本市场的影响力。
And we need the voice and clout of civil society to bring political leaders to account. 我们需要民间社会的声音和影响力,让政治领导人对自己的行为作出解释。
You have clout with the mayor, You try it. 你对市长还有点影响力,你去试试看。
Leaders in sectors with far more clout than health are making a similar point. 影响力远胜卫生部门的领导人也发表了类似的看法。
This union hasn't much clout with the government. 这个组织对政府没有什麽影响力。
He has a lot of clout with the board of directors. 他对董事会有很大的影响力。
He had a lot of clout with the governor enormous. 他对州长有很大的影响力。
In reality, the latter were far more powerful in expertise and clout. 在现实中,后者拥有的专业水准和影响力要大得多。
China's growing clout within Asia is also open to both an optimistic and a pessimistic interpretation. 中国在亚洲不断上升的影响力,也有乐观和悲观两种解读。
Another reason why OPEC has lost clout are technological developments that price shocks have helped spur. 欧佩克丧失影响力的另一个原因,是价格冲击帮助推动的技术发展。
To Indian leaders, the program symbolized international political clout and technological modernity. 对印度领导人说,核计划象征着国际政治力量和技术现代化。
Jeremic says Serbia will use its diplomatic, economic, and political clout to undermine Kosovo's independence plans. 塞尔维亚外长耶雷米奇表示,塞尔维亚将动用外交、经济和政治上的影响力,力争阻止科索沃的独立计划。
Under Yeltsin, the oligarchs were shielded from competition by their political clout. 在叶利钦手下,俄罗斯的寡头们通过政治影响力躲避了竞争。
Once you help deliver that number, you've got more clout and people want you to stay. 一旦你帮忙提交了这个数字,你就更有底气了,他们也就更希望你留下了。
This is an economy super-charged by a government with the cash and clout to do so. 政府给经济强力充电,而它也有资金和影响力这么做。
And the bigger the mining company the more pricing clout it would have with Asian customers. 同时,一家更大的公司和更多的定价机会有可能吸引到亚洲的客户。
For the first time in a decade, AOL and Microsoft each face an adversary with real clout. 十多年来,AOL和微软破天荒第一次遇到了真正的敌手。
It is a system in which individual voters have more clout. 这是选取民拥有更大影响力的一种制度。
So what does this growing economic and political clout mean for investments? 那么,就投资而言,这种不断增强的经济和政治影响力意味着什么呢?
Third parties will gain political clout and win local elections. 第三方将获得政治影响力,赢得地方选举。
My father is a leading government official so I have a lot of clout. 我的父亲,他是政府高官,所以我很有势力。