Another man was rescued as he clung to the riverbank 另外一个人因为紧紧攀住河堤而获救。
Another minister clung on with a majority of only 18 另一位部长仅以18票的微弱优势保住了职位。
Japan's productivity has overtaken America in some industries, but elsewhere the United States has clung on to its lead. 在有些行业,日本的生产效率超过了美国,但在其他行业美国仍然保持着领先的地位。
The sudden height dizzied her and she clung tightly. 突然上升的高度让她晕头转向,她抓得紧紧的。
They just clung to each other like two lost souls. 他们两个孤苦无依的人就那么互相依偎着。
He had clung to the remembrance of things past. 他沉湎于过去的记忆。
Her sweat-stained clothing clung to her body. 她那被汗水浸透的衣服黏在身上。
He clung to the upturned boat, screaming for help. 他紧紧抓着住倾覆的小船,高呼救命。
Marius'cheek touched his, and clung there, bleeding. 马吕斯的面颊靠着他的面颊并贴在上面,而且在流血。
I clung to her, trembling with joy to feel the earth under my feet once more. 我紧紧地依附在老师身边,高兴得浑身颤抖,我又一次感受到了脚下坚实的土地。
Children clung to my legs, attempting to sell me bracelets or cool me with hand-held fans. 小孩子们扯着我的腿,试图向我兜售手链,或者用手持风扇为我降温。
Grief-stricken, his father and I sold our home, where memories clung to every room. 我和他父亲悲痛欲绝,变卖了那每间屋子都充满着记忆的家。
I clung to ecstasy because I had never been like this before. 我贪著那种狂喜,因为我从来不曾有这样的经历。
They followed Him to Calvary, and amid its suffering and death their hearts clung to Him alone. 在加略的痛苦和死亡中,他们的心单单的连于主。
The child clung to its mother's neck. 孩子紧抱着母亲的脖子。
She clung to him, hugging him hard, her wet check to his. 她偎着他,紧紧抱着,濡湿的面颊贴到了他的脸上。
At last he asked about the mysterious briefcase to which I clung as if it were a life raft. 最后,他问道了那只神秘的手提箱,我攥着它就好像攥着救生筏一样。
She was wet through and her clothes clung to her body. 她湿透了,衣服粘在身上。
The odors clung to her kitchen clothes. 她衣服上粘着浓重的厨房气味。
She clung to the hope that her son was not dead. 她还抱着希望,相信自己儿子没死。
At the graveside, his widow and daughters clung to his corpse. 在墓旁,他的遗孀和女儿们依偎在他的遗体边。
She told her husband she clung to life for the sake of their two young children. 她告诉他的丈夫她活下来是为了她的两个年轻的孩子。
She wore a silk dress that clung to her figure. 她穿了一件紧身的丝绸衣服。
He clung tightly to the raft to keep himself afloat. 他们做了一个筏子,使它漂浮在水上。
His T-shirt clung to his scrawny back. 他的圆领衫贴着他瘦骨嶙峋的脊背。
Her gaze clung to him in entreaty. 她的眼光带着恳求的神色停留在他身上。
They clung together when the time came to part. 分别的时候到了,他们紧抱着不肯分开。
I listen to mama said more ashamed, I clung to the mother, tears hit wet her the shoulder. 我听妈妈这样说更惭愧了,我紧紧抱着妈妈,泪水打湿了她的衣肩。
I hesitated and clung to his hand, but he gently pushed me from him. 我犹豫着不愿松开父亲的手,但他轻轻的推开我的小手。