Some people consider this synaesthesia, while others consider it simply something that sometimes co-occurs with synaesthesia. 有些人认为这也是联觉的一种;然而另一些人则认为这些指不过是与联觉同时并发的现象而已。
When a positive ( negative) IOD event co-occurs during an El Nino ( La Nina) year, the moisture content and precipitation tend to increase ( decrease) in the northern part of China. 当ELNino年有正IOD事件同时发生时,我国北方地区水汽增加,华北降水偏少现象得到抑制,我国大陆气温有所上升;
Although self-translating almost co-occurs with translating, self-translation studies are far less than translation studies. 自译现象几乎与翻译现象同时出现,但对自译的研究却远远不及对翻译研究的规模。