He appreciates that co-operation with the media is part of his professional duties. 他懂得与媒体合作是自己工作职责的一部分。
Co-operation was more than just an attractive option, it was an obligation 合作不仅仅是诱人的选择,它也是一种责任。
He cautioned that opposition attacks on the ruling party would not further political co-operation. 他告诫说,反对派对执政党的攻击并不能增进政治合作。
This project is one of the first fruits of commercial co-operation between the two countries. 这个项目是两国商业合作的初步成果之一。
The co-operation between the two is minimal 双方的合作是最低限度的。
The end of the Cold War has produced the prospect of a new world order based on international co-operation 冷战的结束带来了建立一个以国际合作为基础的世界新秩序的希望。
The treaties renounce the use of force and pledge the two countries to co-operation. 条约声明放弃使用武力,并保证两国将进行合作。
Her lack of co-operation is nothing new, I regret to say 很遗憾,我不得不说她缺少合作精神不是什么新鲜事。
The aid comes under the rubric of technical co-operation between governments. 这项援助归于政府间的技术合作这一类别。
We look forward to strengthening still further our already close co-operation with the police service 我们期盼着进一步加强和警方的合作,形成更加紧密的合作关系。
A new situation is emerging in china's economic and technical exchange and co-operation with other countries. 中国同世界各国的经济技术交流与合作正在出现新局面。
The conference will enable greater international co-operation. 这次会议能进一步促进国际间的合作。
This is a tough task requiring leadership and co-operation between businesses, philanthropies, individuals and governments. 这是一个十分艰巨的任务,它不但要求有很高的领导力,还要求企业、慈善机构、个人和政府之间通力合作。
We appreciate your co-operation and hope to conclude this transaction with you as soon as possible. 我们感谢你方的合作,并希望与你方尽早做成这笔交易。
China will unswervingly strengthen and consolidate unity and co-operation with developing countries as the basis of its diplomatic drive. 我们要坚定不移的把加强和巩固同广大发展中国家的团结和合作,作为外交工作的立足点。
Such co-operation should not be used to the detriment of relations with other countries and regions. 这种合作不应用于损害双方与其它国家和地区之间的关系。
You're getting the permission or the co-operation you require. 你马上将得到你需要的许可和协作。
To consolidate and strengthen co-operation in multilateral fora on issues of mutual and international concern. 固和加强两国在多边机制内就双方和国际关注的问题开展的合作。
Most dramatically, a separate treaty has been signed on nuclear co-operation. 最有戏剧性的是,两国还签订了一个单独的核合作条约。
Peace and security could be guaranteed in a society of co-operation and equality! 和平与安全能在一个合作和平等的社会里得到保证!
And they have engaged in unprecedented international co-operation. 他们还进行了前所未有的国际合作。
Translated Description: China's Social Security Forum and the China-EU social security co-operation project's official website. 中国社会保障论坛和中国-欧盟社会保障合作项目的官方网站。
The Shanghai Co-operation Organisation links it with Russia and Central Asia. 上海合作组织则把中国同俄罗斯和中亚连在一起。
China stands for active participation in international forums and multilateral co-operation. 中国积极支持参与国际论坛和多边合作。
As you are our new customer, we hope to develop the long-term co-operation between us. 考虑到你是我们的新客户,我们希望发展我们双方的长期合作。
It is also a time to promote regional co-operation and support. 这也是时候让我们推动亚洲地区互相合作和支援。
This is an additional risk for international policy co-operation and for the recovery of the world economy. 这为国际政策合作和世界经济复苏添加了额外的风险。
And the meeting reached a consensus on how to stimulate international co-operation on developing and disseminating low-carbon technologies. 而且此次会议就如何激励关于开发和传播低碳技术的国际合作达成了共识。
This behaviour has evolved because co-operation provides a win-win opportunity. 人类之所以发展出这种行为,是因为合作提供了双赢的机会。
One of her current assignments also taps her passion for international co-operation and development. 她目前的一项任务还激发了她对国际合作和开发的热情。