There is a convergence between capitalist firms and co-operatives in terms of business strategy. 资本主义公司和合作企业在经营战略方面趋于一致。
With the formation of co-operatives, the peasants have collective strength, the situation changes completely and they can organize their own literacy classes. 农民组织了合作社,有了集体的力量,情况就完全改变了,他们可以自己组织学文化。
The co-operatives are now the most important form of mass organization in the economic field. 目前我们在经济上组织群众的最重要形式,就是合作社。
This currency was first issued through co-operatives and factories, but the majority of the people had no confidence in it. 这种货币最初是通过合作社和工厂发行的,可是多数人民都不信任它。
In production the agricultural producers 'co-operatives must achieve higher crop yields than the individual peasants and mutual-aid teams. 农业生产合作社,在生产上,必须比较单干户和互助组增加农作物的产量。
Trade unions, co-operatives and political parties were all suppressed. 工会、合作社和政党都遭到取缔。
That the development of the co-operatives had gone beyond the level of political consciousness of the masses and the experience of the cadres; 合作社发展的速度,超过了群众的觉悟水平和干部的经验水平;
After liberation came the land reform, then the mutual-aid teams and then the producers` co-operatives. 解放后又实行了土改,然后就是互助组、合作社。
Another level of protection could come from farmers establishing more co-operatives, which would allow them to negotiate collectively with buyers and organise larger-scale production. 如果农民组建更多的合作组织,可能会获得另一个层面上的保护,因为这可以使他们集体和买家谈判,组织更大规模的生产。
More co-operatives should be established in the old liberated areas. 老区应当多发展一些。
Before co-operatives are set up, preparatory work must be done seriously and well. 他对放牛工作也十分地认真。必须认真地做好建社以前的准备工作。
The fact that the Chinese people are culturally backward and have no tradition of organizing co-operatives may confront us with difficulties, but cooperatives can and must be organized and must be promoted and developed. 中国人民的文化落后和没有合作社传统,可能使得我们遇到困难;但是可以组织,必须组织,必须推广和发展。
Third, on the question of landlords and rich peasants joining the co-operatives. 第三,关于地主、富农入社的问题。
With the support of the masses, we have issued economic construction bonds to the value of three million yuan in order to develop state enterprise and assist the co-operatives. 为着发展国营经济和帮助合作社经济,我们在群众拥护之下,发行了三百万元经济建设公债。
In point of fact, most co-operatives are doing well or fairly well. 事实上,多数合作社是办得好的和比较好的。
Certain minority nationality areas where the agrarian reform has not been completed can be exempted from setting up co-operatives. 个别地方是少数民族区,又未完成土改,可以不搞。
Third, the question whether co-operatives can be set up in minority nationality areas. 第三,少数民族地区能不能办社的问题。
It could draw on credit unions and mutual organisations such as Mondragon, the Basque Federation of worker co-operatives. 该团体可能会鼓励信用合作社和互助组织,例如巴斯克工人合作联合会蒙德拉贡(mondragon)。
We will need to develop co-operatives and will need American machinery, so I want to go to America. 我们将来要组织合作社,需要美国的机器,所以我想去美国看看。
Co-operatives are not the same as state enterprises and there is a difference between socialist collective ownership and socialist ownership by the whole people. 合作社和国家企业不一样,社会主义集体所有制和社会主义全民所有制有区别。
They are mostly semi-socialist, but a few have developed into higher-stage co-operatives of a socialist nature. 这些合作社,一般地是半社会主义的;但是其中也有少数发展成了社会主义的高级社。
An economy in trouble became one in chaos as co-operatives, private farms and limited self-management for enterprises were introduced. 随着合作私营农场和企业有限自我管理机制的引入,一个困境中的经济体变成了一个混乱的经济体。
Agricultural co-operatives in India and China 印度和中国的农业合作社
If the100000 old and consolidated co-operatives are added, the number now consolidated is by no means small. 加上以前的十万个已经巩固了的老社,那末,已经巩固的社是不少的。
To protect themselves economically, the peasants must organize con sumers 'co-operatives for the collective buying of goods. 农民为了经济自卫,必须组织合作社,实行共同买货和消费。
Organized in co-operatives, the craftsmen can improve their skills and serve the peasants better. 组织合作社以后,提高了技术,就能更好地为农民服务。
This material also raises the question of whether co-operatives can be established in backward villages. 这个材料又提出了一个在落后乡村是否可以建立合作社的问题。
They consist of allowances to cadres of co-operatives plus administrative expenses. 所谓管理费,就是合作社干部的补贴和办公费。
The masses of the poor and lower-middle peasants welcome the co-operatives. 广大的贫农和下中农欢迎合作社。
The ratio for rural credit co-operatives and village banks will not be raised. 农村信用社和村镇银行的存款准备金率暂不上调。