The court papers said that the work had been stolen by one of the co-owners and that it had been spotted as being up for sale by the Art Recovery Group, a London investigative agency. 法庭文件称,这件作品是被其中一位共同所有人偷走的,拍卖时被伦敦调查机构艺术品追回组织(ArtRecoveryGroup)认出。
Partnership: A form of organization that joins two or more individuals together as co-owners. 合伙企业:两个或两个以上独立个人组织成立的企业。
The rights and duties of a partnership are regulated by laws of the state where it is formed and by a legal agreement entered into by the co-owners. 合伙企业的权利和义务由该企业所在地的法律规定,同时也须符合各合伙人共同缔结的协议书。
Employees become co-owners when they join and may not sell their shares when they leave. 员工在加入公司时变成了共同所有者,但是离开时不能出售股份。
Talks had appeared to have hit a dead-end after reports earlier this week suggested that Liverpool co-owners George Gillet and Tom Hicks were asking for too much money. 本周早些时候有报道称谈判已经由于利物浦老板吉列和希克斯要价过高而濒临破裂。
The most unpopular and vocal of the co-owners whose son was removed from the board for sending a supporter an abusive email. 最不受欢迎的人,是合伙人中的发言者。他的儿子因向球迷发送辱骂性邮件被逐出董事会。
In cases of specification of Accessories, union of Accessories or mixture of Accessories, we will become co-owners of the new goods. 在附属品加工后取得新产品权利、附属品的结合或附属品的混合的情况下,我们均应成为各个新产品的共有人。
And while the players might be spared criticism over the coming fortnight, Aldridge believes the on-going problems between co-owners Tom Hicks and George Gillet, should not be overlooked. 未来两周或许会相对平静,球员们能安心备战。不过阿尔德里奇提醒,涉及到两位美国佬的俱乐部归属问题不应该被忽略。
The co-owners of a share shall be jointly and severally liable to the company to pay for the share so owned. 股份共有人,对于公司负连带缴纳股款之义务。
Where the realty or chattel, which is obtained from the partition of a commonly owned realty or chattel by a co-owner, has any flaw, the other co-owners shall assume the losses together. 共有人分割所得的不动产或者动产有瑕疵的,其他共有人应当分担损失。
Ten boss looked like the machine has nine co-owners, especially for policy-sensitive areas. 十个老板看了机台有九个老板想合作,特别适合政策敏感地区。
For greater certainty it is understood that the activities of the parties hereunder will not require the acquisition by them, as co-owners, of any additional real property or interests therein. 进一步明确,此处当事人的行为并未要求他们作为共同所有人收购任何额外的不动产或其利益。
The smouldering dispute over TNK-BP escalated sharply last night as the Russian billionaire co-owners of the Anglo-Russian oil joint venture said they planned to sue BP in Moscow and international courts. 围绕秋明bp(tnk-bp)的纠纷昨晚急剧升级,这家英俄合资石油公司的俄方共同所有者表示,他们计划在莫斯科和国际法庭起诉英国石油(bp)。
The co-owner, who has ever refused to consent on the decision in managing the ship which gives rise to the obligation, may abandon his shares to the other co-owners and be exempted from the said obligation. 共有人对于发生债务之管理行为,曾经拒绝同意者,关于此项债务,得委弃其应有部分于他共有人而免其责任。
Unlike in any other small business, however, you both must commit to being co-owners and co-employees in this company for the rest of your days on Earth. 但与其他的小企业不同的是,你们俩必须承诺在余下的生命中担任这个公司的联合雇主和联合雇员。
Liverpool co-owners Tom Hicks and George Gillett have confirmed that they want to attract outside investment for the club. 利物浦俱乐部的联合拥有人汤姆-希克斯和乔治-吉列已经承认他们想要为俱乐部寻找外来投资。
The rural land ownership is a special form of co-ownership, and the rural usufruct has the nature of self-use property right. The rural land management contract is a respective management contract that makes the rights clear between the co-owners when they use and manage the rural land. 农村集体土地所有权是一种特殊的共同共有,农村集体土地使用权具有自物权性质,而土地承包经营合同是一种农村集体共同共有关系中对农村土地的利用与管理的分管契约。
However, when disposing specific due shares, we should associate the restriction on ownership fulfillment and investigate the overall constraints on free disposition of due shares, and relate investigate the partial constraints on free disposition of due shares by relating to co-owners 'preemptive right. 然而在具体处分应有份时,要联系所有权行使的限制考察自由处分应有份的整体限制,联系按份共有人的优先购买权考察自由处分应有份的局部限制。
The disposition of co-owners by shares is the act that co-owners change or limit the ownership of their mutual property value and entity. 按份共有人的处分行为是指按份共有人对其共有财产的价值以及实物,变更所有权或者限定所有权的行为。
However, due to imperfect matching specification in terms of specific design of the system, there is a lack of effective protection of the rights and interests of co-owners by shares. They are vulnerable to violation and unable to appeal. 然而在具体的制度设计方而,出于配套规范的不完善,对其他按份共有人的权益缺乏有效的保护,易使其处于权益被侵犯却无处申诉的尴尬境地。
The legal remedy of co-owners by shares 'pre-emptive rights. 第四部分:按份共有人优先购买权的法律救济。
This part mainly discusses the liability for damages of notice of failure to fulfill obligations and damages against co-owners by shares 'pre-emptive rights. 该部分主要是对未履行通知义务,和侵害优先购买权的损害赔偿责任做出的分析。
The rental from Real property rented to third man and other incomes are shared by all the co-owners. 不动产出租给第三人所得的租金以及其他收益由不动产共有人共享,按照共有比例进行分配。
Under the stock right share system, dormant shareholders could not only actually participate in company operation and management, but also enjoy their right to vote for stock right management and disposition through co-owners 'resolution. 而在股权共有制度下,隐名股东通过共有人决议不仅能够实际参与到公司的运营管理,对股权的管理与处分也享有自己的表决权利。
It has deepened theoretical understanding of the disposition of co-owners by shares, and improved the practice for the disposition of co-owners. 深化了按份共有人处分行为的理论认识,完善了按份共有人处分行为的实践操作。
All co-owners are entitled to possession of the entire real property rights, as long as there is no unlawful deprivation of the possession of the other co-owners are free to occupy real estate. 所有共有人都享有占有整个不动产的权利,只要没有非法剥夺其他共有人的占有权,都可以随意占有不动产。
The right of claim for dividing co-ownership refers to the right that the co-owners have to dissolve the co-ownership of the co-owned property. 共有物分割请求权是指共有人享有的请求分割共有物的权利。
It can be claimed that the disposition of co-owners by shares is the most important manifestation in ownership function. 可以说,按份共有人的处分行为是按份共有人所有权权能中最重要的一种表现形式。
The management of real estate is discussed the decided by all the co-owners, the law does not set any restriction. 共有人管理共有不动产的方式由各共有人商议决定,法律不作限制。
Based on the different use of physical form and value form of the mutual property, the disposition of co-owners by shares can be divided into their disposition of mutual property and due shares. 可以根据对共有财产的实物形态以及价值形态的不同利用,将按份共有人的处分行为划分按份共有人对共有物的处分和按份共有人对应有份的处分。