The United States was one of 41 co-sponsors of the resolution, and the Burmese government joined the international consensus. 美国是该提案的41个倡议国之一,缅甸政府也赞成了这个国际性共识。
A similar bill in the House of Representatives has more than enough co-sponsors to guarantee passage, if it gets to a vote. 众议院中,有项类似法案,如果能进入投票环节,相较国会来说,会有更多的支持者来确保法案通过。
Sheila, start working on getting me co-sponsors and a hearing date. sheila,帮我开始弄一场听证会。
Every two years, WHO co-sponsors the World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion. 世卫组织每两年一次共同赞助举行世界伤害预防与安全促进大会。
NCM participated in this event as one of the chief co-sponsors. 和氏璧化工作为主要协办单位之一,参加了当天的活动。
I'd like to begin my remarks by thanking SAIC and the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum for joining GM as co-sponsors of this important exhibition. 在发言前,我想首先对此次科普展的另两家主办方&上海汽车集团股份有限公司和上海科技馆表示感谢。
Strauss, was one of the co-sponsors of doubters is one of the representative of popper. 赞成者的代表之一施特劳斯,质疑者的代表之一是波普尔。