The patron came down a path paved with cobblestones. 赞助人经过一条铺着鹅卵石的小路。
Pave a road with cobblestones or pebbles. 用圆石或鹅卵石覆盖道路。
These impressive signorinas tackle the most gnarly of cobblestones in high heels with the grace of a gazelle and the determination of an Olympic athlete. 这些迷人的小姐们用瞪羚似的优雅和奥运选手一般的意志穿着高跟鞋征服脚下最为“艰险”的鹅卵石路。
The cold cobblestones of the market place. 市场上那冰冷的圆石地面。
Scorpio women, if you wear stilettos, be careful when walking over uneven, broken sidewalks, potholes, or cobblestones as the month begins. 女蝎们请注意,这个月初,穿高跟鞋的时候一定小心路边的坑洼、台阶甚至石子儿。
Pave a road with cobblestones or pebbles. The boat grounded on a shingle bank. 用圆石或鹅卵石覆盖道路。船在铺满圆卵石的海滩上搁浅了。
To apply a surface of rock fragments or pebbles to. pave a road with cobblestones or pebbles. 用砂砾铺覆以岩石碎片或卵石的表面用圆石或鹅卵石覆盖道路。
I knew the cobblestones in their layer of tar on the road, and the changing surface of the sidewalk, from flagstones to little lumps of basalt set in wave patterns, tar, and gravel. 我熟悉柏油路上的鹅卵石,人行道上变换的路面,从石板到镶嵌成波浪形的玄武岩碎石块,沥青和砾石。
At the end of 7th week the cells showed conspicuous central elevations as cobblestones. 7周时周皮细胞向表面隆起。
Results: Cultured cells displayed typical growth status like "cobblestones" and positive immunocytochemical reaction of ⅷ factor related antigen. 结果:培养的细胞呈典型的铺路石状生长,Ⅷ因子相关抗原免疫组化染色为阳性。