I have sometimes been led actually to change my mind as a result of this kind of imaginary dialogue, and, short of this, I have frequently found myself growing less dogmatic and cocksure through realizing the possible reasonableness of a hypothetical opponent. 有时,由于这种假想的对话,结果,我真的改变了我的想法。而有时虽然未能真的改变看法,我也常发现自己因认识到假想对手可能有道理而变得不那么武断或自以为是了。
If you are so marvellous and cocksure of yourselves, how come you waver? 你那么厉害,尾巴翘得那么高,为什么动摇呀?
We have been cocksure of many things that were not so. 我们曾信心满满的看待许多事情,而事实并未如此。
The cockerel is, naturally, cocksure. 小公鸡自然是极其自傲的。
I have no doubt he is a skilled worker but his cocksure demeanour and lack of team awareness must surely be addressed? 我毫不怀疑,他很有能力,但他独断专行和缺乏团队意识的问题必须得到解决,不是吗?
Beware the cocksure interim who arrives declaring that he has seen it all before, and knows "exactly how to deal with a company/ team like this". 当心那些过分自信的过渡经理们他们一来就宣称,以前见过很多这种情况,“完全知道该如何应对这样的公司或团队”。
Although it happened in hardly rampant Japan, the wow bow, as one humiliated US blogger called it, somehow captured the mood of a less cocksure America coming to terms with a puffed-up Asia. 虽然这发生在不怎么神气活现的日本,但一名感到羞辱的美国博客作者所称的这种令人错愕之鞠,在某种程度上反映出不太自信的美国开始向傲气十足的亚洲妥协的气氛。
She becomes cocksure, she puts all her passion and energy and years of her life into some effort or assertion, without ever listening for the denial which she ought to take into count. 她如公鸡一般自信,她把她所有的热情、精力和时间投入到某项事业或追求中,而不倾听那些她理应考虑的反对意见。
If women today are cocksure, men are hensure. 如果说现在的女人自信外露,那男人则温柔顺从。
Cocksure, she is cocksure, but uneasy. 她的确很自信,但不安闲。
He was so cocksure that she would call him first. 他确信她会先打电话给他。
Don't be too cocksure and take things for granted. 不要太过自信,硬以为是这样。
He was an arrogant and cocksure materialist. 他是一个狂妄的自信满满的唯物论者。
This paper aims to discuss the reconstruction of Lawrence's feminist consciousness on the rereading and interpreting of his essay Cocksure Women and Hensure Men. 本文通过对劳伦斯《自信的女人和温驯的男人》一文的文本解读,分析了劳伦斯对女权运动的理性思考,探讨了劳伦斯女权意识的重构。
He is too bloody cocksure about everything. 他对於每一件事都过於自信。