Another consideration is the COE's length of operation. 另一个考虑事项是COE的运作时间长度。
The commonly used infrastructure and technical services ownership is retained by the SOA COE. SOACOE保留了常用的基础结构和技术服务的所有权。
The SOA COE enforces and promotes these tools and test strategies to the other business units. SOACOE执行并向其他业务单位推广这些工具和测试策略。
Members of the SOA COE also identify the management development tools that support the management architecture. SOACOE的成员还确定支持该管理体系架构的管理开发工具。
This model incorporates the activities and salient features characterized by the academic and technical COE styles. 此模型整合了学术和技术COE风格所特有的活动和突出功能。
A COE at Acme helps gather trust, visibility of endeavors, and control and monitoring of investments. Acme的COE可以帮助加强信任、工作可见性以及对投资的控制和监视。
The COE organizes learning-and knowledge accumulation-related activities for team members. COE为团队成员组织了与学习和知识积累相关的活动。
To have a successful SOA transformation, the SOA COE sphere of influence needs to span the various departments. 为了实现成功的SOA转换,SOACOE的影响范围需要跨越各个部门。
This type of COE has more funding and powers and is staffed as a full-time operation with dedicated resources. 此类COE拥有更多的资助和权力,并配备为具有专用资源的全职工作部门。
The Acme COE also sets up an architecture review board as an arbiter for contentious issues. AcmeCOE还建立了体系结构审核委员会,将其作为有争议的问题的仲裁者。
COE members then put those policies into practice, mentoring and assisting teams with developing services and composite applications. COE成员随后将这些策略付诸实施,指导和帮助团队开发服务和组合应用程序。
The COE uses the company's intranet to showcase key accomplishments and value delivered by initiatives. COE使用公司的Intranet来展示各项活动所交付的重要成果和价值。
The COE must leverage the right departments, people, technology, standards, and practices to gain visibility. COE必须利用正确的部门、人员、技术、标准和实践以获得可见性。
If an enterprise architecture is already defined, then the COE should review it for refinements. 如果已经定义了企业体系结构,则COE应该审核该体系结构的可供改进之处。
After completing the system test report, the COE initiates NFR testing. 完成系统测试报告以后,COE将发起NFR测试。
In such cases, the overall COE approach is a federation of competencies. 在这样的情况下,总体COE方法是各种能力的联合。
The COE performs reviews of architecture design documents to ensure alignment with guidelines and quality outcome. 该COE执行体系结构设计文档审核,以确保与指导原则和质量成果保持一致。
The COE supervises the training and certification of designers. COE监督设计人员的培训和认证。
Virtual, or interim CoEs, are often created by SOA pioneers in the enterprise. 虚拟或临时的CoE常常由企业中的SOA先驱建立。
The COE provides standards and guidelines for each stage of an SOA project. COE为SOA项目的每个阶段提供标准和指导原则。
A COE can play an important role in setting up and overseeing governance mechanisms. COE可以在建立和监督治理机制方面发挥重要作用。
Academic: The scope of the COE is narrow in this case. 学术:在这种情况下,COE的范围很狭小。
There is no standard organizational model for SOA CoE. SOACoE没有标准的组织模型。
The SOA COE core team analyses these SLAs and designs the management architecture document. SOACOE核心团队分析这些SLA,并设计管理体系架构文档。
Change in the organization structure-At the heart of every SOA is a Centre of Excellence ( COE). 组织结构的改变-在每个SOA的中心都有一个卓越中心(COE)。
Did you have a SOA CoE? did it play a critical role in the success of your projects? 你有SOA卓越中心吗?它对于你的项目成功是否发挥了关键作用?
A CoE concentrates the skills that are required to deliver a successful SOA. CoE专注于交付成功的SOA所需的技能。
When you build a CoE you need: Tenacity, Political skills, and be Business savvy. 在设立卓越中心(CoE)时,你需要的是:坚韧力、行政能力和商业头脑。
You need to staff your CoE with people familiar with the culture and the way the organization works. 你需要给你的CoE调拨一批了解组织的文化与运作方式的人员。