( 10) instigating or coercing drivers to violate traffic regulations; (十)指挥、强迫车辆驾驶人员违反交通规则的;
Instigating or coercing others to work at risk of causing fire in violation of safety measures against fire, but not having resulted in serious consequences; (五)指使或者强令他人违反消防安全规定,冒险作业,尚未造成严重后果的;
Coercing or inveigling a person under the age of eighteen to give frightening or cruel performances, ruining the person's physical and mental health; (六)胁迫或者诱骗不满十八岁的人表演恐怖、残忍节目,摧残其身心健康的;
Influencing access method/ Coercing XML index access 影响访问方法/强制实施XML索引访问
You now have censors and surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting submission. 你现在有了传感器和监视系统强迫你随波逐流。
A Now, in addition to getting an array by coercing a the list, which is probably the most common way to get it, by the way. 现在除了通过把链表,强制转化为行列式意外,可能最普遍的获取它的方法是什么呢?,顺便说一句。
You now have censors and surveillance coercing your conformity 你们现在拥有的是胁迫你们就范的
I assured him that we had no intention of coercing Israel in response to a Soviet threat. 我向他保证,我们无意强迫以色列对苏联的威胁做出反映。
The act of coercing a transaction by peddling around the train or along with the train can not make a crime, but the actors may commit some crimes at the same time. 单就围车叫卖、随车叫卖行为本身而言,它一般不构成犯罪,但行为人在实施围车叫卖、随车叫卖行为时,还可能伴有其他违法犯罪行为的发生。
It was our policy to permit people to do that, which was much better than coercing them. 我们的政策是允许看的,允许看,比强制好得多。
Far from coercing private-equity houses to sell rashly and make modest returns, some fund investors have even been trying to negotiate longer holding periods. 一些基金投资者就一直尝试着商讨对私募机构长期持有而不是鲁莽地强制抛售以及获得很普通的收益。
Professor Li Yunlong, of the Jiangxi Academy of Social Sciences law faculty, said a law passed in1979 had made it clear that coercing confessions was illegal. 江西省社会科学院法学研究所的李云龙教授说,1979年通过的一条法律明确规定逼供是违法的。
Answer: you know, the reason why some restaurants have that rule is that they are coercing the customers to buy the beverage that is exorbitant and nearly ripping off. 回答:你知道,饭店之所以这么捉是他们在强迫顾客买饮料,而饭店的饮料高额简直是在抢劫。
It consists in coercing taxpayers to lend to their government. 这包括强迫纳税人借钱给政府。
By "coercion" hu Feng means our coercing those on the side of counter-revolution. 胡风所说的“强迫人”,是指强迫反革命方面的人。
Guide of the Good and Coercing of the Evil& The Difference and Integration of East-West Cultural Origin Beginning with the Creation Myth and the West Culture Origin from Genesis Myth Zhu Yun-sheng 东学西被与西学东渐中西文化交流的历史考察善的引导与恶的胁迫从创世神话开始东西方文化源流的差异与融合
Coercing or inveigling others to commit an illegal act against maritime administration; 胁迫、诱骗他人实施海事行政违法行为;
To coerce e.g.they didn't come to negotiate, they have been coercing. 他们不是来谈判磋商,而是在施高压威胁。
In case of abetting, instigating, coercing or aiding other people to steal electric power, a penalty shall be imposed according to the first section. 教唆、指使、胁迫或者协助他人窃电的,依照第一款规定处罚。
Writing about Desire under Rational Coercing& Analysis on Hiatus in Dingling's Novels in Left-wing Association Period 理性裹挟下的欲望书写&解读丁玲左联时期小说中的裂隙
The result indicates the activation of SOD? POD and CAT is increased. in the slight aridity coercing. 结果表明,轻度干旱胁迫下,SOD、POD和CAT活性增加。
Studying and Analysing the Crime of Coercion& Also on the Generalization of Coercing Actions in the Criminal Law 胁迫罪探析&兼论刑法中胁迫行为犯罪一般化
Progress and Prospect of Study on Interactive Coercing Process Between Urbanization and Eco-environment in Arid Area 干旱区城市化与生态环境交互胁迫过程研究进展及展望
They have important theoretical guiding significance to reveal the interactive coercing relation and dynamic coupling relation between urbanization and ecological environment. 对系统揭示城市化过程与生态环境演变过程之间的交互胁迫和动态耦合关系具有重要的理论指导意义。
The copyright limitation expresses chiefly in such three aspects as reasonable usage, legal permission and coercing permission. They are the principles of public information, good faith, and coercing. 版权限制的内容有:合理使用、法定许可和强制许可。这三个原则有着密切的相互关系,并且有着共同的价值追求。
The coerced offender has two characteristics, among which "coercing" is its basic feature, "playing a secondary role in complicity" is its essential characteristic. 作为一类独立的共犯人,胁从犯具有两个特征,其中被胁迫是其基本特征,在共同犯罪中起较小作用是其本质特征。
We should admit the existence of helping the coercing of the third-party. If the other person knowing the inside story commits the crime in conformity with the request of coerced person, there is leeway of acknowledging the coerced offender. 对帮助第三者的胁迫应该得到承认,知情第三者应被胁迫者的要求而实施犯罪的,有承认胁从犯的余地。
Besides the coercing offender himself, his relative or some intimate persons and strangers might become the targets pointed by coercing acts. 胁迫指向的对象既可是被胁迫者本人,又可是其亲属或与其有紧密关系的人,还可以是陌生人。
In the former occasion, the used violence is considered one kind of coercing acts, while in the latter; threatening with the violence attains the supreme degree. 在前一场合,使用暴力仍是一种胁迫,而在后一场合,最高程度是以暴力相威胁。
The understanding of violence, coercing and other methods and some dispute existing in the judicial practice have been discoursed here to gain that these three criminal means to infringe personal right are the essential characteristics of robbery. 并对暴力、胁迫和其他方法的理解以及司法实践中存在的争议进行了论述,得出这三种侵犯人身权利的犯罪手段是抢劫罪的本质特征。