There were perfectly cogent reasons why Julian Cavendish should be told of the Major's impending return. 要将少校即将返回的消息告知朱利安·卡文迪什是有绝对充足的理由的。
The last section brings it all back home with a cogent summary. 在最后一部分中,作者给出了一个很有说服力的总结。
Pray write instantly, and let me understand it& unless it is, for very cogent reasons, to remain in the secrecy which Lydia seems to think necessary; and then I must endeavour to be satisfied with ignorance. 请你立刻回信,让我把事情弄明白。如果确实如丽迪雅所说,此事非保守秘密不可,那我也只得不闻不问了。
The lawyer's cogent arguments convince the jury. 这位律师强有力的争辩博得陪审团之信服。
Cogent and Verizon are handling massive and growing amounts of data, but their links to each other have remained around the same size, according to Cogent chief Dave Schaeffer. Cogent首席执行长谢弗(DaveSchaeffer)说,Cogent和Verizon正在处理庞大且不断增长的数据,但两家公司之间的链接量却基本保持不变。
Now, say its World Bank backers, it is the stuff of cogent plans. 如今,世界银行支持这一项目建设的人说,这已经成为一项切实可行的计划。
When he was able to secure a series of meetings, he was able to offer a cogent argument of how he could take his expertise to help them succeed in their business. 当他获得了一系列的见面后,他提供如何运用自己技术来帮助人们成功的令人信服理由。
The result is a cogent explanation of inflation. 结果令人信服地解释了通货膨胀问题。
Recall a painful experience, entire county realises adequately up and down only ability of resource of cogent protection good forest from go up to be on guard and administer natural disaster at all. 痛定思痛,全县上下充分熟悉到唯有切实保护好森林资源才能从根本上防范和治理自然灾难。
The State Council asks various government wants cogent strengthen a leadership, unite a thought, improve knowledge, do good propaganda work and political thought work, make broad worker and social all circles active support and participate in this reform. 国务院要求各级政府要切实加强领导,统一思想,提高熟悉,做好宣传工作和政治思想工作,使广大职工和社会各界都积极支持和参与这项改革。
Yet, however cogent the case for reining in financial globalisation, sheer momentum will carry it forward. 然而,不管抑制金融全球化的理由多么有力,资本流动的迅猛势头都将推动这一进程向前发展。
All these seem cogent reasons not to consider changing policy. 所有这些都是不考虑变更政策的令人信服的原因。
A cogent argument; a telling presentation; a weighty argument. 强有力的论点;有效的介绍;有影响的论点。
Now the point to ponder is what was the distinguishing feature of that cogent speaker that didn't make your eyelids heavy with sleep? 现在思考的一点是没有睡眠眼皮沉重,有说服力的扬声器的显着特点是什么?
He brought forward some very cogent argument. 他提出了一些很有说服力的论据。
Work may be presented by pairs of students, if there is a cogent reason, for example, a partnership between an Architectural student and a student in the Center for Real Estate. 举例来说,若无明确有力的理由,作品可由建筑系与不动产中心的若干组学生共同呈现。
Others are more cogent, such as a physician's note. 有些则比较强而有力,例如一张医生证明。
It helps that – to take the most obvious example – the steps taken by the eurozone to prevent a disorderly collapse are more cogent than before. 举个最明显的例子:欧元区为防止陷入无序崩溃而采取的措施比以往更具说服力,这大有裨益。
This is offering a cogent evidence for enhancing sports teaching reform in higher education institutions. 这就为深化高校体育教学改革提供了相关依据。
When psychological notion of mathematics is accepting the cogent confirmations, it is also facing to the problems and Challenger because of unknowing. 数学心理观在接受相关学科强有力的证实的同时,也提出了许多由未知而产生的问题和挑战。
Students will also be expected to give brief, cogent presentations on their chosen paper topics ( see below) in the specially scheduled classes on writing papers. 学生要在特别安排的论文写作课堂时,就其选择的论文题目(见下)作简单但具有说服力的陈述。
The cancellation of the administrative examination and approval items, should cogent strengthen follow-up monitoring work, and resolutely put an end to all kinds of covert approval behavior. 对已经取消的行政审批项目,要切实加强后续监管工作,坚决杜绝各种变相审批行为。
In a cogent hour-long address, televised live and delivered with few notes, Mr Musharraf defended his nine-year rule. 一小时的电视直播讲话,他很少看稿,并为自己九年来的统治做了有力的辩护。
It is the clearest and most cogent statement of its kind that has ever launched a true system of growth and participation with higher realms that we know of. 它是我们已知的该类开创一个真正的成长组织并与更高领域合作的声明中最清晰、最令人信服的。
One very cogent argument against direct reseeding in the spring is that land may be out of production for such a long time. 一种反对春季重播的极有力的论点是春季重播时地里也许有很长一段时间不长东西。
Like some other erstwhile true believers, he became one of most cogent critics of his former faith. 如同昔日的某些真正信徒一样,他也成为其原有信仰最有力的批判者之一。
A crucial aspect to how these papers will be evaluated is the articulation of a strong thesis statement that is supported by a cogent argument. 这些论文评分的一个重要方面是,论点表述清晰并有强有力论据的支撑。
This meant that the play or story that provides the structure of the piece must be itself an interesting and cogent drama. 这意味着提供情节结构的剧本或故事本身必须引人入胜,有说服力,并富于戏剧性。