V-RECIP (男女未婚而)同居,姘居 If two people are cohabiting, they are living together and have a sexual relationship, but are not married.
In Italy people hardly ever cohabit... 在意大利,很少有人未婚同居。
The dentist left his wife of 15 years and openly cohabited with his receptionist... 那个牙医离开了和他生活了15年的妻子,与自己诊所的接待小姐公开同居。
Any solicitor will tell you, if you're cohabiting and the man leaves you, you haven't got a leg to stand on. 任何律师都会告诉你,如果你们同居,而和你同居的男人离开了你,在法律上你得不到任何支持。
Bigamy or, cohabitation of a married person with any third party; (一)重婚或有配偶者与他人同居的;
What validates a marriage is the consent of the parties, not their cohabitation. 合法的婚姻以双方合意为要件,而不因同居事实成立。
Cohabitation of a married person with any third party shall be prohibited. 禁止有配偶者与他人同居。
Although the study focused on marriage and cohabitation and their relation to obesity, I also imagine that having children might play a role. 虽然研究重点关注婚姻和同居与肥胖之间的关系,但我认为生孩子可能也有关系。
He predicted that cohabitation and temporary relationships between people were likely to dominated America's social landscape for years to come. 他预测在未来的数年中,同居和临时的关系将主宰美国社会生活。
Now you can put a decade on those ages and that's because sex and cohabitation outside of marriage are largely accepted. 而如今你可以在这些年龄上加上10年,因为婚外性和同居已经得到广泛接受。
The cohabitation rate is also on the rise among young Chinese. 与美国的情况类似,中国年轻人的同居率也正在上升。
The Oxford University study examined marriage and cohabitation rates across the developed world and compared them to attitudes towards the roles of men and women at home. 牛津大学的考察了发达人口的结婚率和同居率,并把数据同男人和女人看待家庭角色的做了。
Cohabitation is on the rise. 我们发现,年轻人同居的现象日益增多。
That explains the rise of cohabitation as much as it does the fall of marriage. 这也很容易解释随着结婚人数的下降,同居人数却在上升。
When cohabitation is legal and common, marriage doesn't really change many things, the birth of a child does. 同居的合法和普遍使得婚姻改变不了多少恋人们的生活,一个婴儿的诞生成了恋爱过程中的重大转折点。
Unmarried cohabitation brings along impulse on traditional marriage and family system. 非婚同居对传统婚姻家庭制度产生了冲击。
It provides the most detailed data on cohabitation of men and women to date. 这份资料提供了男女未婚同居的最详尽的数据。
Through the law evolution of the obligation of cohabitation, we find out some reasons why obligation of cohabitation has not been provided in Chinese Marriage Law. 透过我国法律对同居义务规定的演进,我们找到了我国《婚姻法》至今未加以规定同居义务的部分缘由。
The regulation method of unmarried cohabitation has developed into three categories in the world, the regulation method as marriage, the one as de facto status and the one as an independent system. 各国对非婚同居的规制方式主要有三种,即作为婚姻的规制方式、作为事实状态的规制方式和作为独立制度的规制方式。
Are you and your significant other considering cohabitation? 你和你的另一半是不是有打算要同居呢?
Cohabitation and single parenthood by choice were very rare. 选择同居或单身父母的人变得很少。
The study revealed that 69 percent of college students thought that premarital cohabitation or premarital sex was acceptable. 研究显示百分之六十九的大学生认为婚前同居或婚前性行为是可以接受的。
We were thinking of marriage, or at least cohabitation. 我们在考虑结婚,或者至少是同居。
First, couples may know each other better through many ways, not necessarily through cohabitation. 增进彼此了解并不一定非得通过同居。
In many Western societies, more cohabitation has offset a trend towards later marriage or higher rates of divorce. 在许多西方社会,更多的同居生活一定程度上取代了晚结婚和高离婚率的趋势。
The cessation of cohabitation of man and wife. 一个男人和他妻子同居生活的结束。
This section applies to all domestic contracts, including marriage contracts, cohabitation agreements, paternity agreements and not just to separation agreements. 而协议中的这一条款适用于所有家庭合同,包括婚姻合同,同居协议,抚养协议等,而不仅仅限于分居协议。
Cohabitation without being legally married. 没有合法结婚的同居生活。
Mom, you have no idea, many college students now have the cohabitation. 妈,你大概不知道,现在许多大学生都已经同居了。
The tragedy process of Juansheng and Zijun s love story from falling in love, to cohabitation, to final separation reflected that marriage is not only a personal problem but also a social problem; 它通过对涓生和子君从初恋、同居到最后分离的悲惨结局,反映了婚姻不仅仅是个人问题,还是社会问题;
The Legislation Choice on the Regulation Method of Unmarried Cohabitation in China& From the Angle of Comparative Study 论我国非婚同居规制方式的立法选择&从比较法视角
A marriage relationship created by agreement and cohabitation rather than by ceremony. 由协议或同居而产生的婚姻关系。