I just employed the most ancient form of birth control Coitus Interruptus, as the Romans called it. 我刚才使用最古老的避孕法,那就是古代罗马人所称的性〈!
Proestrus lasts approximately nine days; the female, however, will not allow coitus at this time. 发情前期约持续九天,不过,这段时间,母犬并不与公犬交配。
Sheldon: Technically, that would be "coitus interrupts". 应该是中断性行为。
About 20 days and 18 hours after coitus, the goat embryo had 4 pairs of branchial arch and became into C-shaped body. The projecting of the hart and chest was big than the belly and the liver's. The limb bud became into mound-shaped. 20d、18h山羊胎儿仍属鳃弓期,呈典型C字形,4对鳃弓发生,心胸突大于肝腹突,前肢芽、后肢芽均为丘状。
Twenty-four married couples evaluated the Sino-female condom with questionnaires about its acceptability for 234 acts of coitus. 24对已婚夫妇、234次性生活使用国产女用避孕套(简称阴道套),以询问表的形式进行可接受性评估。
There was no severe complications. Only 2 patients had omalgia and one had acute pelvic infection one week after operation through coitus. 本组无严重并发症,仅发生2例术后肩痛,1例子宫内膜异位症致不孕症患者术后1周性生活而致急性盆腔炎。
Follicular development was monitored by vaginal type B utrasound untill ovulation to guide the coitus behavior on proper time. 术后第1~6个月的月经中期前行阴道B超监测卵泡发育直至排卵,适时指导患者夫妻同房时间。
The rabbits were treated by oral administration for 3 days of 4mg/ kg/ day NETO after successful coitus and sacrificed on the 9th day. 家兔从妊娠第1天始,每天经口给予炔诺酮肟4mg/kg,连续3天,第9天处死。
Methods: Mifepristone 10 mg was taken right after coitus, and a pill of placebo was then used with a interval of 12 hours. 方法:房事后服米非司酮10mg,12小时后服安慰剂一片。