A major consumer group today called for a government ban on two types of caramel coloring used in colas, warning that the ingredients could cause cancer. 一消费组织要求政府禁止可乐中添加两种焦糖色素,警告说这类成分可能致癌。
We're asking the FDA to ban the use of caramel coloring that's used in colas and certain other soft drinks and a variety of other foods, said Michael Jacobson, Executive Director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest. 公共利益科学中心的执行理事MichaelJacobson说道:我们要求FDA禁止可乐,当然也包括其他软饮料和食品添加焦糖色素。
I'd like three coca colas and a lemonade. 我要三杯可乐和一杯柠檬苏打水。
Almost all restaurants have milk and soft drinks such as colas and ginger ale. 几乎所有的餐馆都有牛奶和软饮料,如可乐和淡色姜啤酒。
But when it comes to kidney problems, is there a difference between colas and other kinds of soda? 但是,对于肾脏的问题,可乐和其他含有苏打水的饮料是否存在某些不同呢?尚不得而知!
Mike: Hello, we'd like three chicken burgers and three colas. 您好,我们要三个鸡腿堡,三杯可乐。
The stimulating effects of caffeine in coffee, colas, teas, and chocolate can take as long as8 hours to wear off fully. 如咖啡、可乐、茶和巧克力中所含的咖啡因所长生的兴奋效应需要长达8小时才能完全消除。
That's two hamburgers, a hot dog and three colas. I'd like a medium popcorn and large Coke. 一共是两个汉堡,一个热狗和三杯可乐。我要一个中号爆米花和一个大杯可乐。
Coffee, colas and tea aren't the best sources, since they contain caffeine, a diuretic that induces water loss. 咖啡,可乐和茶都不是最好的饮水,因为它们含有咖啡因,是一种能引起脱水的利尿剂。
Waitress: so, that's two hamburgers, one hot dog and three colas. 服务员:那么,是两个汉堡,一个热狗,三杯可乐。
In the battle of the colas, Pepsi is the underdog, and perhaps, to borrow the advertising line from Avis, as a result it tries harder. 在可乐大战中,百事目前处在下风,或许借用Avis的广告语,该公司因此而加倍努力。
Caramel from heated sugar, a nonsynthetic'color, is also commonly used in dark beverages such as colas. 从加热的糖中提取的焦糖色素是一种非人工着色剂,普遍应用于黑色饮料如可乐中。
This flagged up two genes associated with the high intake of tea, coffee, chocolate and caffeinated soft drinks such as colas. One – CYP1A2 – is key to the breakdown of caffeine in the liver. 有两类被标注的基因与茶、咖啡、巧克力以及像可乐这样的含有咖啡因饮料的摄取有关,其中的一类名叫CYP1A2,它是咖啡因在肝脏内分解的重要和关键。
Avoid or limit caffeine-containing beverages such as coffee, tea and colas. 避免或者限制喝一些含咖啡因的饮料,如:咖啡,茶,可乐。
Alongside the bottled waters, colas, and beers are teas, coffees, and soya milk drinks, plus ones made from fruits unfamiliar to most foreigners. 除了瓶装水、可乐、啤酒外,还有茶、咖啡、酸奶,以及由大多数外国人不认识的水果制成的饮料。
There are many colas on the market now, all variants on the original drink. 现在市场上有许多种可乐,都是原先那种饮料的变体。
Then we fed them four unidentified samples of cola one at a time, regular colas for the one group, diet version for the other. 然后我们给他们喝四种没贴标签的可乐样品,一次一种,给其中一组喝一般性可乐,给另一组喝低糖可乐。
All colas taste pretty much the same to me. 所有的碳酸饮料我尝起来味道都差不多。
Actually, we are not forbidden from drinking colas. I personally try to avoid caffeine. 其实,我们不是不能喝可乐。但我自己较很少用含有咖啡因的饮料。
People with kidney disease are advised to avoid colas and high-phosphate foods, such as meat, the researchers note in their report in the journal Epidemiology. 研究者在流行病学杂志他们的报告中指出,患有肾脏疾病的人应避免可乐和高磷食物,如肉类。