Effects of Colchicine Concentration and Seedling Soaking Time on Chromosome Doubling and Seedling Survival of Tobacco Haploid Plants 秋水仙素对烟草单倍体幼苗加倍及成苗效应研究
Probably the best known of these is colchicine which interferes with mitosis. 知道的最清楚的可能是秋水仙碱,它影响有丝分裂。
Organic solvent extraction and supercritical fluid extraction of colchicine from lily 溶剂提取和超临界流体萃取百合中的秋水仙碱
Study of Conformation Polyploidy on Glycyrrhiza uralensis Seed Dealt with by Colchicine 秋水仙素处理甘草种子诱导多倍体的研究
Preliminary Study on the Inducement of Tetraploid Quality Small Watermelon Using Colchicine to Soak Root 秋水仙素浸根法诱导优质小型西瓜四倍体试验初报
Objective: To observe the effects of colchicine solution Inducting axillary buds of Atractylodes macrocephala in vitro, and the best condition of its induction. 目的观察秋水仙碱对白术侧芽离体诱导的效果,以确定其最佳的诱导条件。
Effect of colchicine on myocardium transforming growth factor-beta 1 秋水仙碱对心肌组织中TGF-β1的影响
Inducing autotetraploid pea with colchicine and DMSO 秋水仙素与DMSO诱导豌豆同源四倍体
The antibodies we're giving you should neutralize the colchicine. 我们给的抗体会压制秋水仙素。
Genetic Analysis of Early Ripening Effects Induced by Colchicine in Rice 秋水仙素诱发水稻早熟效应的遗传分析
Therefore, the effect of the apical portion treated by colchicine was the best, followed by the root tip, of which the germinating seeds was the poorest. 可见,秋水仙素诱导半支莲茎尖的效果最好,其次为改良浸根法,萌动种子效果较差。
The Study of Inducing Lily Polyploid by Several Chemical Reagent; Effects of Colchicine Concentration and Seedling Soaking Time on Chromosome Doubling and Seedling Survival of Tobacco Haploid Plants 几种化学诱变剂对百合染色体加倍效应的研究秋水仙素对烟草单倍体幼苗加倍及成苗效应研究
Core formulation optimization of Osmotically Controlled Release Tablets of colchicine ON MATCHING 16-BIT MICROPROCESSORS WITH 8-BIT ENVIRONMENTAL INTERFACE PLUG-INS 秋水仙碱渗透泵控释片的片芯处方设计16位微处理器与8位外围芯片的匹配方法
The FDA has an initiative underway to bring unapproved, marketed products like colchicine under its regulatory framework. FDA拥有一项可使尚未批准但已上市的药品如秋水仙碱处于其管理框架下的措施。
Diesel cars without headgear should catch colchicine. 若非巾柴车,应是钓秋水。
The FDA is alerting healthcare professionals to this new dosing regimen and also warning about the potential for severe drug interactions when patients take colchicine. FDA提醒医疗卫生专业人士使用上述新的剂量方案,并警告当患者使用秋水仙碱时可能存在严重药物相互作用。
Study on Germination Accelerating-technology on Sophora ( Sophora flavescens Ait.) Seeds and Polyploid Induction by Colchicine 苦参种子催芽及秋水仙素诱导多倍体研究
Studies on the New Methods for the Determination of Colchicine, Resveratrol and Pepsin by Absorption, Fluorescence and Resonance Rayleigh Scattering Spectrometry 吸收、荧光和共振瑞利散射光谱法测定秋水仙碱、白藜芦醇和胃蛋白酶的新方法研究
A number of botanic and natural drugs, such as anti-infective berberine and anti-tumor colchicine have been mass-produced and widely used in China. 一批植物药和天然药物,如抗感染的黄连素、抗肿瘤的秋水仙碱等,已经在国内大量生产和广泛应用。
The seven celiac disease patients had not responded to conventional mouth ulcer medications, including topical corticosteroids, tetracycline, and colchicine. 这7名乳糜泻患者对于常规治疗口腔溃疡的药物包括外用皮质激素、四环素和秋水仙素等无反应。
Research Progress of Polyploidy Induction by Colchicine in Ornamental Plants 秋水仙素诱导观赏植物多倍体研究进展
Induction Effects of Colchicine on Abnormal Splitting of Cell Chromosome in Root Tip of Rye 秋水仙素诱导黑麦根尖细胞染色体的畸变效应
This is because the water content of fresh day lily have Colchicine can cause poisoning. 这是因为鲜黄花菜中含水量有秋水仙碱,会引起中毒。
Ten one-day-old Beijing White chickens were injected proper amount of colchicine by intraperitoneal, then marrow cells were washed out and chromosome specimens were prepared. 采用腹腔注射秋水仙素,取骨髓细胞制备染色体标本,对无特定病原体京白鸡的核型进行了分析。
Preparation of colchicine sustained-release pellets and its in vitro release 秋水仙碱缓释微丸的制备及其体外释药性质考察
Colchicine Chemical Induction During Somatic Embryogenesis from Leaf Segments of Phalaenopsis Test Tube Plantlets 秋水仙素对蝴蝶兰试管苗叶切片胚状体发生期的化学诱变
Physicians historically have given colchicine hourly for acute gout flares until the flare subsided or they had to stop treatment because the patient began experiencing gastrointestinal problems. 传统上,医生会每小时使用秋水仙碱治疗急性痛风发作,直到病情减轻或患者因开始出现胃肠道问题而不得不停止治疗。
Colchicine has been used by healthcare practitioners for many years to treat gout but had not been approved by the FDA. 尽管专业从医人员使用秋水仙碱治疗痛风已有多年,但该药一直未被FDA批准。
Effect of Colchicine Assisted-enucleation on in vitro Developmental Potential of Goat Cumulus Cell Nuclear Transferred Embryos 秋水仙碱化学去核对山羊卵丘细胞核移植胚胎体外发育的影响