Russell's latest set of mixed media constructions, as part of her solo exhibition entitled Difference and Repetition, feature collaged strips of prints encased in plexiglas. 罗素的最新混合媒体建设,作为她的个人画展题为差异和重复部分,功能拼贴打印带有机玻璃包裹。
I thought less literally than many traditional planting designers; I collaged different images together and included drawings and sketches. 跟许多传统的园艺设计师比起来,我没有那么多条条框框。我会把不同的图像拼到一起,并附上图纸和素描。
Similarly, the abstract sculpture is the spatial form of specific materials collaged in accordance with different logical relationships in three-dimensional space. 同理,抽象雕塑就是在立体空间里按照不同的逻辑关系拼贴由具体材质组成的空间形式。
The Qinghai crust was gradually collaged during the Paleozoic and mainly underwent Caledonian and Hercynian-Indosinian tectonic events. 统一陆壳也是显生宙以来逐步形成的:主要经历了加里东和华里西-印支两大构造阶段。
When the painters further collage pigments in the same way as the objects are collaged, abstract painting comes into being. 当画家们进一步按照拼贴物体的方法在画面上拼贴颜料的时候,抽象绘画就产生了。
Reclamation Treatment of Chrome Leather Scraps IX. The Molecular Weight and molecular Weight Distribution of Collaged Protein 铬革渣资源化处理研究Ⅸ&胶原蛋白分子量及分子量分布
This characterization art of ancient and modern figures collaged together is divided into simple type, composite type and changes of three types. 这种将古今人物身影拼贴在一起的人物塑造之法大致可分为三种表现形态:单纯型的人物拼贴、复合型的人物拼贴和变化型的人物拼贴。