Many of the old agricultural collectives are now being turned into agribusiness corporations. 许多老式的农业合作群体现在正在转型为农业综合经营公司。
All working people in state enterprises and in urban and rural economic collectives should approach their work as the masters of the country that they are. 国营企业和城乡集体经济组织的劳动者都应当以国家主人翁的态度对待自己的劳动。
Land collectively owned by peasants may be contracted out to units or individuals who are not belonging to the corresponding collectives for farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fisheries operations. 农民集体所有的土地,可以由本集体经济组织以外的单位或者个人承包经营,从事种植业、林业、畜牧业、渔业生产。
The changes don't privatize rural land, which in China is owned by village collectives rather than individual farmers. 允许土地流转并不是允许农村土地私有化,中国的农村土地归村集体而非个人所有。
The main investors have been being government, collectives, and rural households, with government playing a dominant role. 历年来,这些投资的主体主要是国家、农村集体和农户,尤其是国家投资起着支配性作用。
Article 4. The grasslands are owned by the state, that is, by the whole people, with the exception of the grasslands that are owned by collectives in accordance with the law. 第四条草原属于国家所有,即全民所有,由法律规定属于集体所有的草原除外。
The right of citizens and collectives to contract for management of land under collective ownership or of state-owned land under collective use shall be protected by law. 公民、集体依法对集体所有的或者国家所有由集体使用的土地的承包经营权,受法律保护。
The position of our working class has been enormously strengthened, and our peasants have been members of collectives for more than 20 years. 我国工人阶级的地位已经大大加强,我国农民已经是有二十多年历史的集体农民。
Land in the rural and suburban areas is owned by collectives except for those portions which belong to the state in accordance with the law; 农村和城市郊区的土地,除由法律规定属于国家所有的以外,属于集体所有;
The state protects the legitimate rights and interests of the collectives and private individuals who have contracted for forestation; no organization and private individual shall encroach upon the ownership of trees and other legitimate rights and interests entitled according to the law to them. 国家保护承包造林的集体和个人的合法权益,任何单位和个人不得侵犯承包造林的集体和个人依法享有的林木所有权和其他合法权益。
And those have allocated to township ( town) peasant collectives shall be operated and managed by the rural collective economic organizations of the township ( town). 已经属于乡(镇)农民集体所有的,由乡(镇)农村集体经济组织经营、管理。
Submitting proposals concerning commendation and awards for those individuals or collectives that meet the requirements of Article 30 of these Rules. 对符合本实施细则第三十条规定的人员或者集体,提出表扬和奖励的建议。
A law introduced in2003 restricted the right of collectives to reassign land within villages and provided a legal basis for transfers of land between peasants for farming. 2003年颁布的一部法律规制了集体对农村土地再分配的权限,同时,为农民之间进行土地流转提供法律基础。
The education administrative departments shall commend and give awards to the collectives and individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the non-state-operated higher education cause. 教育行政部门对民办高等教育事业做出突出贡献的集体和个人予以表彰奖励。
Discussions with farmers and collectives in order to set common goals 与农户和集体所有者交流并设定共同目标
We must enhance the economic strength of the collectives. 增强集体经济实力。
This project aims to create the conditions under which the "theory" can be realised and can function: a programme of the methodical destruction of collectives. 该项目旨在建立所依据,“理论”的实现和形成作用:一个集团有条不紊的销毁方案。
He's launching his son on a career in banking. The State shall encourage economic collectives, State-owned enterprises and institutions, and other social forces to engage in agricultural science and technology as well as agricultural education undertakings. 他让儿子从事银行业.国家鼓励集体经济组织、国有企业事业单位和其他社会力量举办农业科技、教育事业。
The right of individuals or collectives to undertake operation by contract shall be protected by law. 个人或者集体的承包经营权,受法律保护。
Now, he said, the94 collectives that receive permits and plant tags from his office are frightened. 他说,从县长办公室获得许可证的94个种植医用大麻的集体农场正感到恐惧。
Villagers committees and village economic collectives shall promote and help agro-technical popularization service organizations and peasant technical personnel of the villages to carry out their work. 村民委员会和村集体经济组织,应当推动、帮助村农业技术推广服务组织和农民技术人员开展工作。
"Agricultural production and operation organizations" mentioned in this Law mean agricultural economic collectives, State-owned agricultural enterprises or other agricultural enterprises. 本法所称农业生产经营组织,是指农业集体经济组织、国有农业企业和其他农业企业。
By the same token, rewards also should go to specific collectives and persons. 同样,奖励也必须奖到具体的集体和个人才行。
Soon to be here today in recognition of the advanced collectives and advanced individuals express warm congratulations! 向今天即将受到表彰的先进个人和先进集体表示热烈的祝贺!
Grasslands under ownership by the whole people may be assigned to collectives for long-term use. 全民所有的草原,可以固定给集体长期使用。
The state protects the lawful rights and interests of the urban and rural economic collectives and encourages, guides and helps the growth of the collective economy. 国家保护城乡集体经济组织的合法的权利和利益,鼓励、指导和帮助集体经济的发展。
State-owned mineral resources and waters as well as forest land, mountains, grasslands, unreclaimed land and beaches owned by the state and those that are lawfully owned by collectives may not be sold, leased, mortgaged or illegally transferred by any other means. 国家所有的矿藏、水流,国家所有的和法律规定属于集体所有的林地、山岭、草原、荒地、滩涂不得买卖、出租、抵押或者以其他形式非法转让。
Love collectives, fellow students and help each other. 热爱集体,团结同学,互相帮助,关心他人。