The number of members of a collegial panel shall be an odd number of three or more. 合议庭的成员,应当是三人以上的单数。
Article 40 The people's court of first instance shall try civil cases by a collegial panel composed of both judges and judicial assessors or of judges alone. 第四十条人民法院审理第一审民事案件,由审判员、陪审员共同组成合议庭或者由审判员组成合议庭。
The culture at this employer-my current one-has been a factor too, including the collegial atmosphere and emphasis on high professional standards. 这家公司就是我现在就职的这一家,其文化也是一个因素,包括它学院式的氛围,以及对高专业标准的强调。
Big manufacturers, the theory held, were best led by command and control and small, knowledge organisations, by collegial collaboration. 该理论认为,大型制造企业最好依靠命令和控制来管理,而小型知识型组织最好依靠合议和协作进行管理。
MS Faust said that leadership experts contend that the female management style, thought to be more collegial and involve more consensus-building, is particularly suited to running an educational institution. 福斯特表示,研究领导能力的专家主张,女性管理风格被认为更具有分权性质、更容易达成一致意见,尤其适合教育机构。
The Chinese facilitator conference promotes, supports and advances the art and practice of professional facilitation through methods exchange, professional growth, practical research, collegial networking and support services. 华人引导者年会倡导、支持并促进引导的艺术与方法,透过交流、专业成长、行动研究、网络合作以及支援性服务。
Article 187 A People's Court of second instance shall form a collegial panel and open a court session to hear a case of appeal. 第一百八十七条第二审人民法院对上诉案件,应当组成合议庭,开庭审理。
Casual observers often mistake his modest demeanour and collegial style for a lack of assertiveness. 不够仔细的观察人士经常会把伯南克谦逊的举止和学院派风格误读为缺乏自信。
If people's jurors participate in a collegial panel, they shall be randomly selected from the list of people's jurors. 人民陪审员参加合议庭的,应当从人民陪审员名单中随机抽取确定。
Top serving and former Fed officials interviewed by the FT on the condition that they would not be quoted say Mr Bernanke has fostered a more collegial approach to decision-making. 一些美联储现任高官和前任官员接受了英国《金融时报》的采访,前提条件是不能引用他们所说的话。他们表示,伯南克在决策上已形成一种更学院派的风格。
This lack of collegial support among EFL teachers could inhibit teachers'professional development and consequently negatively affect the quality of English teaching. 教师之间缺乏交流往往会阻碍教师的职业发展,消极影响英语教学的质量。
Administrative cases in the people's courts shall be tried by a collegial panel of judges or of judges and assessors. 人民法院审理行政案件,由审判员组成合议庭,或者由审判员、陪审员组成合议庭。
How to Perfect China s Collegial System; The APEC leaders 'meeting was one of several meetings held in Hanoi. 从现行审判运行机制存在的缺陷谈对完善合议制度的认识亚太经合组织领导人会议是在河内举行的众多会议之一。
Dynamic Research on Collegial of Sports Professional of Structure, Overall Arrangement and Development in Henan Province 河南省高校体育专业结构、布局及发展的动态研究
In monetary policy, the fact that the pooling of experience and diversity of points of view are deemed essential for reaching the right decision is illustrated by the use of collegial decision-making in all main central banks. 在货币政策问题上,人们认为,经验共享和集思广益,对于正确决策至关重要&各大央行都采用集体决策方式,就说明了这一点。
Chinese teachers understand that collegial interaction and support are necessary to develop their full potential as effective language teachers. 汉语老师懂得,要全面发展优秀语言教师的潜质,学院之间的交流和支持是很必要的。
Trials of appealed and protested cases in the People's Courts shall be conducted by a collegial panel composed of three to five judges. 人民法院审判上诉和抗诉案件,由审判员三人至五人组成合议庭进行。
Civil jurisdiction is not enjoyed by judge in charge of the case alone but sharing by members of collegial panel, different members and organizations inside peoples court in the judicial practice. 实践中,民事审判权并非由承办案件的法官所独享,而是由合议庭成员、人民法院内部不同的成员和机构所分享。
Collegial management: Management system Based on the manager Being supported by an advisory committee ( consisting of senior staff) which helps him in his decision-making. 学院式管理制:由顾问委员会(由高级职员组成)协助经理,帮助其进行决策的管理制度。
The collegial panel shall execute the decision of the judicial committee. 审判委员会的决定,合议庭应当执行。
He shall inform the parties of their right to apply for withdrawal of any member of the collegial panel, the court clerk, the public prosecutor, any expert witnesses or the interpreter; and he shall inform the defendant of his right to defence. 告知当事人有权对合议庭组成人员、书记员、公诉人、鉴定人和翻译人员申请回避;告知被告人享有辩护权利。
The teacher values planning as a collegial activity. 教师将计划视做学院活动来对待。
On Historical Inheritance in Collegial Culture Construction and Cultivation of College Spirit 大学文化建设历史传承性与大学精神培育
The Design of Training Model about Collegial Educational Technology Based on Informal Learning Principle 基于非正式学习原理的高校教育技术培训模型设计
Collegial panels with relatively fixed members shall maintain regular exchange among the members. 合议庭成员相对固定的,应当定期交流。
The collegial panel must have an odd number of members. 合议庭的成员人数,必须是单数。
Imminence and feasibility for building network dummy laboratory of collegial physics 建立大物网络虚拟实验室的迫切性和可行性
This not only caused the separation on trial and jurisdiction, but also made it difficult to carry out the collegial system. 这既造成审理权与裁判权的分离,也使得合议制度变得难以实施。
I also thank my friend, Horst Koehler, for a collegial and cooperative working relationship in the last two years, and for his thoughtful speech this morning. 我也对我的朋友霍斯特.科勒在过去两年的友好合作以及他今天上午周到的发言表示感谢。