V-RECIP 碰撞;相撞;撞上 If two or more moving people or objects collide, they crash into one another. If a moving person or object collides with a person or object that is not moving, they crash into them.
Two trains collided head-on in north-eastern Germany early this morning... 今天早上德国东北部两列火车迎面相撞。
Racing up the stairs, he almost collided with Daisy... 他飞奔上楼,差点撞到黛西。
He collided with a pine tree near the North Gate. 他撞到了北门旁边的一棵松树上。
V-RECIP (目标、意见等)冲突,抵触 If the aims, opinions, or interests of one person or group collide with those of another person or group, they are very different from each other and are therefore opposed.
The aims of the negotiators in New York again seem likely to collide with the aims of the warriors in the field... 看来,纽约谈判人员的目标可能会再次与战场上勇士们的目标发生冲突。
In the next two years, Nasser regularly collided with the different Western powers, who refused to arm him... 随后的两年里,纳赛尔不断与拒绝为他提供武器装备的几个西方大国发生冲突。
What happens when the two interests collide will make a fascinating spectacle. 两种利益发生冲突时将会上演一场好戏。
This behavior collides with current software delivery models that recruit development and test resources from around the globe, and frequently results in misunderstanding between users and developers. 这个行为与当前从全球外包开发和测试的软件交付模式是相冲突的,并经常导致用户和开发者之间的误解。
When the runner collides with a malicious sprite and explodes, the player loses a life and Snail Bait returns the runner to the beginning of the game. 当跑步小人与怀有恶意的sprite相撞并发生爆炸时,玩家会失去一次生命,SnailBait会让跑步小人返回到游戏开始处。
As Listing 4 shows, when the runner collides with another sprite that has a value, the collide behavior's adjustScore() method adjusts the game's score and updates the HTML score element. 如清单4所示,当跑步小人与其他具有某个值的sprite发生碰撞时,碰撞行为的adjustScore()方法就会调整游戏得分,并更新HTMLscore元素。
Unfortunately this collides with the RUP Elaboration phase. 不幸的是这与RUP的精化阶段冲突。
The final version of Snail Bait shakes the game's background when the runner collides with another sprite and explodes. 当跑步小人和其他sprite碰撞并发生爆炸时,SnailBait最终版本会震动游戏背景。
After a cloud of space debris collides with their spacecraft, Stone and Kowalsky are lost in space and have to find a way to save themselves without any help from the folks back at home. 在他们的飞船遭受大量空间碎片的撞击后,斯通和科沃斯基迷失在太空之中,在失去地面帮助的情况,他们必须寻求自救。
Explicable as it may be the temptation to retreat collides with two central facts of geopolitics. 后撤的诱惑虽然可以理解,但与地缘政治两大核心事实相冲突。
The medium of the strong force is the hadron, it was a trapped election emerged from neutron when collides with proton. 强作用力的介质是强子,为一个从中子中溢出的自闭的电子;
In practice ( which most often differs from theory, as you know!), managers usually have their own ( sometimes even hidden) agenda, which too often collides with the organization's long-term goals. 但实际上(你应该知道理论和实际的差距!),管理者总是有自己的(有时候甚至是秘密的)打算,它通常是和组织的长远目标相违背的。
The prior wafer transmission device fails to adjust a wafer fork horizontal when the wafer fork is inclined, which results in breakage when the wafer handle collides the wafer. 现有的晶圆传送装置,当晶圆叉子倾斜时无法将其调水平,造成晶圆抓手撞到晶圆引起破片的现象。
This method is called when your robot collides with a wall. 当你的机器人撞到墙时这个事件会发生。
Nomadism and tribal culture collides with chic style and couture mentality. 游牧主义和部落文化在优雅风格和服饰心态上产生了碰撞。
Nordic skiing includes cross country racing, ski jumping and the Nordic Combines. The car inclines to incline and to slide to roll and collides to the abutment. 北欧滑雪项目包括:越野滑雪、跳台滑雪和北欧混合项目。汽车侧倾、滑滚并撞到了桥台上。
It often happens in many families that the value system of the older generation collides with that of the younger generation. 老一代人的价值观和年轻人的价值观相冲突的情况在很多家庭时有发生。
An accelerator that collides protons and antiprotons. 质子和反质子相互碰撞的加速器。
The lyrics is a collision of the Dickensian and the modern, in which pastoral idyll collides against urban sprawl. 歌词则是狄更斯风格和现代风格的碰撞,充满牧歌般的田园与杂乱无章的城市之间的冲突。
A There's a collision that creates a vibrationally excited A It collides. 有一个碰撞产生了振动激发分子,在那,version,of,A。,Of,A,sitting,there。,它碰撞。
The right to free expression often collides with other competing interests. 自由表达意见的权利经常与其他利益发生冲突。
The executioner's morality collides with destiny as he finds an unconventional true love with his brother's incarcerated ex-girlfriend, also condemned to death. 他也在兄弟被监禁的前女友身上找到了不同寻常的真爱。
The car inclines to incline and to slide to roll and collides to the abutment. 汽车侧倾、滑滚并撞到了桥台上。
The mechanism of it is that a stable fixed point collides with the nondifferentiable of discontinuous point of the map and then disappears. 它的机制是稳定不动点与映象不可微或不连续点碰撞而消失。
The desk corner sleeve serves as a protecting layer at the corner of the desk and can effectively reduce the pain to the body of a people when the people collides on the corner of the desk. 该桌角套使人们桌子的桌角多了一层保护,还可以有效地降低人们碰撞到桌角的时候对身体产生的疼痛感。
An accelerator that collides electrons and positrons. 正负电子相互碰撞的加速器。
This energy produced is so great when it first collides, that a nuclear reaction occurs and the gases within the star start to bum continuously. 在它初次碰撞时,产生的能量非常巨大,以至于发生了核反应,恒星中的气体开始持续燃烧。
Building a brand and investing in technology cost money, however, and that is where the slump among Wenzhou manufacturers collides with one of the biggest debates about the future of economic reforms in China. 不过,品牌建设和技术投资需要钱,这也是温州制造业不景气,与围绕中国经济改革的未来这一最大论战之间的交点。
LEO& VIRG Virgo's desire to be in command and methodical nature collides with your carefree, spontaneous temperament. 处女座的人有条不紊,喜欢控制局面,这与你自由自在的本性经常冲突。
Hong Kong is where this very different system collides with the West, the epicentre where the tectonic plates of China and the rest of the world rub up against each other. 香港正是这种独特制度与西方制度相碰撞的地方,是中国构造板块与世界其它地区板块相遇的中心点。
When a photon collides with a molecule, several things can happen. 当光子与一个分子碰撞时,可发生几种情况。
The Primary Key on the mobile device collides with one in the host database. 移动设备上的主码与宿主机数据源中的主码冲突。
Any organic, solid or gaseous, regardless of size, that collides with it is instantly mineralized. 任何规模的有机,固体或气体,而不论与碰撞是立即矿化。