Many people are allergic to colognes, so skipping it altogether might not be a bad idea. 还有一些人会对古龙水过敏,所以彻底放弃也不是个坏主意。
The intoxicating agent in fermented and distilled liquors; used pure or denatured as a solvent or in medicines and colognes and cleaning solutions and rocket fuel. 发酵和蒸馏液体中的麻醉剂,纯状或改变其自然属性后可作溶剂或用于药物、古龙水和清洁剂中。
Avoid perfumes, colognes, fragrant hair sprays, lotions and soaps which attract mosquitoes. 不要用香水,古龙水,发胶,化装水和肥皂,因为这些可以吸引蚊子。
SCORPIO: Scent-ual Scorpios really appreciate perfumes or colognes. 美全是味觉动物的天蝎座对喷香水很是偏心。