Even the Greek colonels, Franco, Mussolini or Salazar would have been hard put to reduce nominal wages on the scale required. 即便是希腊的上校们、佛朗哥(franco)、墨索里尼(mussolini)或萨拉查(salazar)也会很难按所需的力度削减名义薪资。
He is smarter than all your colonels put together. 你们所有的上校全加在一起也不及他一个人精明。
The initiatives have classically come from the colonels. 传统上,总是由上校们采取这些主动步骤。
It's a crime to herd such a people into barracks, to put them through exercises, to grade them into privates and sergeants and colonels and what not. 把这样一个民族赶进军营里去,叫他们一遍遍操练,封他们当列兵、中士、上校及诸如此类的事真是罪孽。
Where reserve Senior colonels are promoted to reserve Major generals, selective promotion shall be practised. 预备役大校晋升预备役少将,实行选升;
The preferred the captain to the rank of major. In the army colonels are subordinate to major generals. 他们将这个陆军上尉提升到少校。在陆军,上校(军衔)在少将之下。
"All missile-launching silos are programmed and prepared to launch against pre-planned targets," one of the colonels said, stressing that the sites could not be detected by satellites. 某官透露所有的发射井都已事先编程,随时射杀既定目标,他还强调卫星无法探知伊军发射井。
English colonels would stamp round India for years, snorting with contempt, and return home to join the Theosophical society. 英国的上校们在印度高视阔步、不可一世地呆上数年后,回到家中却参加了通神论学会;
The climate colonels must manage a tense situation to craft a substantive outcome and rebuild momentum. 气候上校们必须能够应对紧张的局势,从而获得一个实质性的结果,重塑人们前进的动力。
In the army colonels are subordinate to major generals. 在陆军,上校(军衔)在少将之下。
The meeting of generals from each side was the first at such a level for almost seven years, although talks between colonels are more frequent. 这次将军级会谈是近七年来双方第一次举行如此高级别的会谈,尽管校官级别的会议较为频繁。