In the 1620s, Taiwan was invaded by Dutch colonialists, but only to be recovered some 30 years later. 17世纪20年代,荷兰殖民者侵占台湾,三十多年后,中国将其收复。
Encouraged by Britain's control of the seas, especially by the rising tide of emigration, British colonialists stepped up their expansion to Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, in the late 18th and the early 19th centuries. 在18世纪末、19世纪初,受到海外移民浪潮的鼓舞,英国殖民者很快加他们的扩张到加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰。
Locals often have bitter memories of rapacious Western colonialists and Arab slave traders. 当地人普遍对贪婪的西方殖民者和阿拉伯奴隶贩子有着苦涩的回忆。
In 1661 ( 18th year of the reign of Qing Emperor Shunzhi) General Zheng Chenggong ( Koxinga) led an expedition to Taiwan and expelled the Dutch colonialists from the island in the following year. 1661年(清顺治18年),郑成功率众进军台湾,于次年驱逐了盘踞台湾的荷兰殖民者。
In 1624 ( 4th year of the reign of Ming Emperor Tianqi) Dutch colonialists invaded and occupied the southern part of Taiwan. 1624年(明天启四年),荷兰殖民者侵占台湾南部。
The Chinese people on both sides of the Straits waged various forms of struggle including armed insurrections against the invasion and occupation of Taiwan by foreign colonialists. 两岸同胞为反对外国殖民者侵占台湾进行了包括武装起义在内的各种方式的斗争。
After invading the philippines, the Spanish colonialists used it as a gangplank in an attempt to further conquer china. 摘要西班牙殖民者侵入菲律宾之后,将菲律宾作为侵略中国的基地,企图进一步征服中国。
In Southeast Asia the European colonialists used to describe and call Muslims-Malays, Moros, Indians and Arab traders who compete with them as pirates in the16th century. 在东南亚,欧洲殖民者把那些在16世纪作为进入者与他们竞争的穆斯林叫做马来人、摩洛族、印第安人以及阿拉伯商人。
The Yue relatives in Guangdong and GuangXi have paid heavily with their blood to protect the Annamese from foreign aggressors from the French colonialists to the US Imperialists. 为了抵御法国殖民者或者美帝国主义者这些外国侵略者的入侵,在广东和广西的越族人曾经付出了血的代价。
Two years later Spanish colonialists seized the northern part of taiwan. 1626年,西班牙殖民者入侵台湾北部。
In China, school pupils are also exposed to a strongly nationalistic curriculum – which paints the country as a perennial victim of outside interference, first by western colonialists and then by the Japanese. 在中国,学生们则学习具有强烈民族主义色彩的课程内容,这些内容将中国描绘成饱受外国欺凌的受害国,先是西方殖民国家,然后是日本。
If the Nobel prize is a blatant western provocation, surely it must be the fault of the British colonialists. 如果诺贝尔奖是西方公然的挑衅,那这一定是英国殖民者的错。
A state in southeastern United States; one of the original 13 colonies. Two years later Spanish colonialists seized the northern part of Taiwan. 美国东南部的州;最初的十三个殖民地之一。1626年(明天启六年),西班牙殖民者入侵台湾北部。
The Chinese used to be more populist, the spokesman added, but now they are turning into colonialists themselves. 中国人曾经受欢迎,这位发言人补充道,但是现在,他们自己正在变成殖民者。
Two years later Spanish colonialists seized the northern part of Taiwan. an ancient city in northeastern Spain; formerly the capital of Aragon. 1626年(明天启六年),西班牙殖民者入侵台湾北部。西班牙东北部一座古城;以前是阿拉贡的首府。
The question was solved finally. In a word, the article tries to show British colonialists how to invade Chinese Xinjiang and conclude the historical lesson. 总之,本文从英国侨民的概况、侨民问题的表现及解决这三个方面展开论述,以期展现出民国时期英国利用侨民问题侵略我国新疆的实质,总结历史经验教训。
French colonialists established the Federation of Indochina in1887. 1887年,法国殖民者建立了印度支那联邦。
Thirdly, the trade of metallic commodities and the exchange of the related technology between China and the western countries after western colonialists coming to the east. 西方殖民者东来之后,中国与西方在金属商品与技术方面的交流贸易状况。
The unitary system under central government, established by the British colonialists in the 19th century, sowed the seeds of racial conflict in that country. 19世纪英国殖民者逐步确立的单一制的中央集权体制深深地埋下了民族冲突的根源。
After a couple of treaties, Shanghai was forced to become an open port by the colonialists. 晚清时期,上海被迫成为通商口岸之一。
Meanwhile, another major way of presenting history by British colonialists is to advocate teleology which holds that history moves towards one great goal. 另外英国殖民者还宣扬目的论,认为整个人类的历史都朝着一个伟大的目标前进。
Before the Western colonialists lead the global trade, overseas Chinese entrepreneurs have already came into the leading place of a regional East Asian trading circle. 中国人移居东南亚已有上千年的历史,在西方殖民者主导全球贸易之前,海外华商就主导了区域性的东亚贸易圈。
In the early 20th century, the Japanese colonialists in Taiwan had established a complete set of tools of colonial rules and brutal oppression of the Taiwan people. 20世纪初,日本殖民者在台湾建立起一整套殖民统治工具,残酷压迫台湾人民。
By the Opium War after signing as "Nanjing Treaty" and a series of unequal treaties, the Western colonialists gained a lot of interests in China, which is the Western missionary activity cleared the obstacles. 而到了鸦片战争之后,随着《南京条约》等一系列不平等条约的签订,西方殖民者获得了很多的在华利益,这就为西方的传教活动扫清了障碍。
First, after the First Opium War, western colonialists culturally invaded China by running church schools for the purpose of missionary work. 第一,鸦片战争后,西方殖民者以传教为目的,通过办教会学校的方式,对中国进行文化干涉。
During the period of the late fifteenth century to the early sixteenth century, a lot of overseas Chinese were demanded to boom business, open up wasteland and build new cities, accompanied with the western colonialists invading into the Southeast Asia. 十五世纪末到十六世纪初的这段时间中,伴随着西方殖民者入侵东南亚,需要大量的华侨来发展经济,开荒建城。
Singapore Penal Code, in its penal system in a large foundation, the prototype developed by the British colonialists in 1871 of the Penal Code. 新加坡刑法典在其庞大的刑法系统中处于基础地位,其原型是英殖民者制定的1871年刑法典。
Caused such a situation, the reasons was complex, such as the Qing Dynasty in the cultural differences in mentality, the decline of the Qing Dynasty, Vietnamese political decline and the impact of the French colonialists, and so on. 造成如此局面,其原因相当复杂,如清代中越文化心态的差异、清朝的衰落、越南朝政更替以及法国殖民者的影响等等。