ADJ 殖民地的;殖民主义的 Colonial means relating to countries that are colonies, or to colonialism.
...the 31st anniversary of Jamaica's independence from British colonial rule. 牙买加脱离英国殖民统治独立31周年纪念
...the colonial civil service. 殖民地行政部门
N-COUNT 生活在殖民地的宗主国居民 People who have lived for a long time in a colony but who belong to the colonizing country are sometimes referred to as colonials .
...a group of ex-colonials. 一群前殖民地居民
ADJ (建筑或家具)具有英属殖民地时期特色的,美洲殖民地时期的 A Colonial building or piece of furniture was built or made in a style that was popular in America in the 17th and 18th centuries.
...the white colonial houses on the north side of the campus... 校园北边几幢殖民地时期风格的白房子
I sat on the Colonial bench that was just to the left of the office doorway. 我坐在带有殖民地时期风格的长凳上,就在办公室出门靠左的地方。
All the morning the colonials had been gathering. 整个早晨殖民地居民都在聚集。
These colonials are our brethren. 殖民地的人民是我们的弟兄。
In fact, many colonials are friends with the British soldiers, as in the case of Johnny's friendship with Lieutenant Stranger or the romance between Madge Lapham and Sergeant Gale. 事实上,许多定居朋友的英国士兵的情况一样,约翰尼的友谊与陌生人或中将之间的浪漫警长马奇Lapham和大风。
The golf club was run by a bunch of old colonials. 这个高尔夫球俱乐部是由一群老殖民地居民经营的。
Almost at the outset, southern colonials grew tobacco that was both cheaper to produce and of better quality than the tobacco grown in most other parts of the world. 差不多从一开始,南方殖民地就种植烟草,与世界大部分地方相比,南方殖民地的烟草生产成本更低且质量更优。
It's one of the oldest Dutch colonials in long island. 这是长岛区最古老的荷式建筑。
The man encouraged the colonials to desert, in this very room, and in my presence. 这个人在这个房间当我的面鼓动民兵叛逃。
But behind the boom, it was colonial landscape that built up by the "colonials". 在这繁荣的背后,却是被殖民者构建起来的殖民性景观。