Up into the11th century the Danes were known as Vikings, together with Norwegians and Swedes, colonising, raiding and trading in all parts of Europe. 11世纪以前,丹麦人和挪威人、瑞典人一样被看作是在欧洲所有地区进行殖民统治、掠夺和贸易的海盗帝国。
Far from being cowed by new media, TV is colonising it. 电视行业不仅没有被新媒体震慑住脚步,反而大踏步拓展自己的领地。
This rather sweeping opinion seems out of tone with the rest of the book which, with wit and style, condemns the industry for crudely colonising an event that many still consider sacred. 这种观点似乎和全书的其余部分完全不搭调,充满机智和时尚,责备了这个行业的鲁莽闯入以及还有很多人仍然愚蠢地认为这样的婚礼是神圣的。