At a recent meeting of chief executives at the White House, participants said Mr Dimon was sensitive to the fact he was in the doghouse – abandoning his customary combativeness and sitting meekly in the corner. 近期多家公司的首席执行官在白宫会晤。与会者称戴蒙敏感地注意到他受到的冷遇&他没有了惯常的好斗本性,只是温和地坐在一角。
It becomes much easier then for each of us to aim every day at conclusive disproofs-at strong inference-without either reluctance or combativeness. 于是,我们每团体每天都很容易把目的集中在最后的反驳证据上,集中在激烈的推理上既不相互勉强性也不相互争斗。
What he loved was Moyer's combativeness on the mound, his ability to squirm from seemingly dire predicaments. 他所喜爱的是Moyer在投手丘上的斗志,他从各种困境中挣扎出来的能力。
His followers Johann Kaspar Spurzheim and George Combe divided the scalp into areas they labeled with traits such as combativeness, cautiousness, and form perception. 其门生斯珀津姆和库姆将头皮分区,分别贴上标签,表明好斗、谨慎和形成知觉。