He began comically ad-libbing a script 他即兴调侃起了一段剧本。
Hyman grew up outside New York City in New Rochelle, where her high school extracurricular-activity list was almost comically long. 海曼在纽约市外的新罗谢尔长大,在那里上高中时,她的课外活动非常丰富,多得简直有些可笑。
Eventually one of the bears managed to shove his brother off the end of the log, leaving him clinging on comically. 最终,一只熊宝宝成功地把它的兄弟推到了树桩下,而失败的熊宝宝只好滑稽地吊在树桩的边缘上晃来晃去。
By breaking the problem down into smaller chunks even comically small ones that require only 1 minute of activity and doing just that one little thing, you prove to yourself the task isnt insurmountable. 通过把这些任务分解成小块,甚至滑稽地把它们分解成1分钟一个的小任务。然后仅仅做那些小事情,你会向自己证明这些任务不是难以对付的。
Demand, however, is fairly obvious: A pop-up cat cafe in New York City, open for only a few days this year, drew an almost comically long line of customers and high level of attention online. 然而市场需求相当明显:纽约市新开的一家猫主题咖啡馆,今年才开张几天,客人就排成了令人瞠目结舌的长龙。
At once, Katie rose into the air, not as Ron had done, suspended comically by the ankle, but gracefully, her arms outstretched, as though she was about to fly. 一下子,凯蒂就升到了空中,她没有像罗恩那样被可笑地钩住脚脖子倒挂起来,她的姿态非常优雅,双臂平伸着,像是要飞起来似的。
Not surprisingly, their vision was almost comically narrow. 可想而知,他们的视野狭隘到了滑稽的地步。
Many who cite his apologetic approach have a comically wooden understanding of how he approached people to win them to faith. 许多讨论他护教学的人士,他们对他接近人、赢取人的方式有种好笑的、呆板的了解。
On the girl's shoulder sat a little marmoset scratching its head comically. 在女孩的肩膀上坐着一只正在挠头的小猴子。
Lord Rothschild points out the aviary that will be the comically appropriate venue for "cracked egg", that symbol of 21st-century decadence. 罗斯柴尔德勋爵指给我看鸟舍象征21世纪颓废风气的“打碎的蛋”就准备摆放在那里,这显得很滑稽。
Strangely or should we say comically enough, the story was denied by the comedian shortly after. 奇怪的是或许我们该说喜剧的是这位搞笑艺人稍后又否认了此事。