There are an amazing number of commonalities between systems. 体制之间有着多得惊人的共性。
Amid recent differences between China and America, I hope that people will see that these heroic commonalities are much stronger than any differences, and will bind the two great peoples together. 尽管最近在中美之间存在一些分歧,我希望人们将认识到这些英勇的共性会比任何分歧都强大,从而把两个伟大的民族紧密联接在一起。
This is one of the commonalities between social networks and Web2.0-both have people as their fulcrum. 这是社交网络与Web2.0之间的其中一个共通点&都将人类视为其支撑点。
Using a familiar problem domain makes it easier to to appreciate the differences and commonalities between systems. 使用一个熟悉的问题域,更易于领会系统间的差异和共同点。
Your own output may be quite different, but you should be able to recognize the important commonalities. 您自己的输出可能很不一样,但是应该能够看出重要的共同点。
Instead, the focus should be on identifying commonalities between problems and then mapping them to technical solutions. 相反,应该将重点放在确定问题间的共性,然后将这些共性反映到技术解决方案中。
The concluding article will then tie together the commonalities, recommendations, patterns, and practices discussed throughout the series. 该系列的最后一篇文章会将该系列讨论过的共同点、建议、模式和实践总结在一起。
The third and final installment of this series will refer to these models to reconcile the commonalities and differences of the two frameworks and compile them into a common implementation approach. 该系列的第三个安装与最后一个安装,将会引用这些模型,以协调两种框架的相同处与不同处,并将它们汇编到一个公共的实施方法之中。
Ion is a technique for discovering commonalities in disparate data elements to identify a common root element. 抽象技术用于发现不同数据元素中的共性,以确定公共根元素。
EMPLOYMENT HISTORY-The recruiter or the decision maker will quickly glance over the job descriptions of your previous jobs, looking for commonalities, similar skills or experience that match the job opening that you're applying for. 过去的职业招聘人员会快速地扫一眼你对之前工作的描述,寻找和你申请工作的共性、相关技能或类似经验。
There are technical commonalities, too: identical blocks of customized coding, and the fact that a vast majority route their traffic through two computer servers run by companies registered in Cyprus and Latvia. 技术方面也有着共同之处:一片片完全相同的定制代码,并且大部分网站的流量都转向两台服务器,它们由注册地在塞浦路斯和拉脱维亚的公司掌管着。
Meerkat and civet mothers both give birth in underground dens, but their commonalities end there. 麝香猫和猫鼬妈妈都喜欢在地下洞穴生宝宝,但它们的共同点也仅此而已。
At the same time, there are always commonalities across people. 在同一时刻,人们都有着共性。
Just as life itself is more than the sum of muscles and bones and electrical impulses in the body, love is more than the sum of the interests and attractions and commonalities that two people share. 正如生活的本身远不止人体内骨骼,肌肉以及电脉冲的总和,哎也不仅仅在于2个人能一起分享兴趣,乐趣和共识。
There are many approaches to educating children but there are commonalities among these approaches that can maximize the educational opportunities that your child receives. 教育孩子有很多方法,但是这些方法有一些共性,能增大孩子接受教育的机会。
Use that as a platform to spin off more discussions which will then reveal more about both of you. For the new commonalities that get unveiled, build on them further. 把它作为一个平台,进行更多的讨论,这样你们都会更好地了解彼此。对于发现的新的共同之处,可以在这个基础上进一步交流。
The conference ended by highlighting the need for better understanding between two countries that have their own uniquenesses but also many commonalities. 这次会议在强调两国间需要更好的理解中结束。与会代表认识到,双方既有各自的独特性,也有很多共同点。
My intention is thus to establish a linkage between patriliny and commonalities of human experience. 因此,我的目的是建立一个父系和人类经验的共性之间的联系。
The enterprise logistics system is composed of human, financial, material, information and other basic elements of composition, with the system in general commonalities. 企业物流系统是由人、财、物、信息等基本要素构成的,具有系统的一般共性。
However, new studies of past flu pandemics are beginning to reveal some commonalities about how influenza viruses evolve and spread, she says. 然而,她说对过去的流感大流行的新研究正在逐渐揭示出关于流感病毒如何进化和传播的一些共性。
Human nature has certain commonalities that transcend differences of place, race, religion, and culture. 人性有某些超越地点、种族、宗教和文化差异的共同特征。
The challenges are different for countries with different income levels, but there are commonalities. 收入水平不同的国家面临的挑战也各不相同,但它们都具备共同点。
There were particularities as well as commonalities of human society for Manchu of the Ming Dynasty in the transition from the clannish society to the civilized society. 明代女真人由氏族社会进入文明社会的历程有其特殊性,但也有许多人类社会的共性。
The World Bank has a diverse portfolio of carbon projects in Africa, but many have commonalities, says Baroudy. 她说,世界银行在非洲资助实施了多个不同的碳项目,但很多项目都具有共同点。
When it comes to project organization, there are again striking commonalities between the winners 在项目组织方面,这些优胜者中再次令人惊异地显示出了共性
I have certainly been guilty in the past of assuming certain commonalities when what is crucial is an understanding of the different needs and nuances inherent in working across the region. 不可否认,我对于过去假定这些客户拥有某些共同特征感到自责,因为真正重要的是了解客户的不同需求与不同地区工作方式中所固有的微妙差别。
Connection is the base of Boyer's academic ideas, which embodies in the core commonalities of human. 联系是博耶学术思想的基础,它体现在人类的核心共性之中。
Where different countries have linguistic commonalities, a regional localization centre could share the cost of development. 不同的国家如果有语言上的共同点,一个区域性的本地化中心有助于分担开发的成本。
We want to create a channel through the website so people can interact with us and work out the commonalities, to get to know each other better. 我们想通过网路开拓一种渠道,使人们能与我们互相影响并解决共性问题,让彼此更加了解。
However, from what has survived of Celtic mythology, it is possible to discern commonalities which hint at a more unified pantheon than is often given credit. 然而在这些仅存的凯尔特神话中,还是有可能发现共同性,也有可能隐含著一些比现在被相信的更统一的众神。