That's probably the most commonsensical way of putting the matter. 想要表达的意思,这也许是阐述这一问题,最惯常的说法。
Here is Lock's theory of perception, its a very commonsensical one. 这是洛克关于感知的理论,非常浅显易懂。
And so Paul's saying this, it might sound almost commonsensical if you've been raised in a Christian church. 保罗的这些话几乎是常识,如果你成长在基督教环境中的话。
Commonsensical or not, a decision to call a halt to the arms race will not be easy. 不管是否合情合理,要作出呼吁停止武器装备竞赛的决定不是那么容易的。
In my research, I will argue that utilitarianism, contrary to its critics '( mis) conception, has theoretical resources to take full account of commonsensical moral rules. 在笔者的研究中,笔者将论证,这种对于效益主义的批判乃是一种误解,效益主义事实上有理论上的资源可以解释日常道德规则。
This seems so commonsensical, and yet it's obviously not true if you stop to think about it. 听起来理所当然,但当你停下了仔细想想,也不全然正确。
Arrive home at a reasonable hour; commonsense scholarship on the foibles of a genius; unlearned and commonsensical countryfolk were capable of solving problems that beset the more sophisticated. 在适当的时间回家;天才也有缺点是常识;没受过教育但有基本常识的乡下人能够解决那些困扰渊博的人的问题。
This method of analysing concepts should seem fairly commonsensical. 分析概念的这个方法,看来似乎是相当合乎情理的。
The dissertation is based on three commonsensical grounds. Firstly, human being is a knowledge existence. 文章立于三个具有人类共识的基本预设:1,人是知识的存在。