Yet the following year conviction began to grow among the marketeers that the final defeat of centrally planned, communitarian government was at hand, the sense that seemed to confirm such ideas as America having won the Cold War, and the end of history. 然而,第二年越来越多的市场人士认为我们即将战胜那些采取中央计划的社会主义政权,似乎确定美国已经取得冷战的胜利,并且结束了旧的历史。
The Revelations of Communitarian Conception of Rights for China's Construction of the Rule of Law 论社群主义权利观对中国法治建设的启示
Once the logic of "each man for himself" takes hold, can we really trust everyone to act in a communitarian way and resist the temptation to settle scores in other areas, such as trade? 一旦“人不为己,天诛地灭”的逻辑占据人们的思想,我们真的还能相信人们会按社群主义的方式行事、抵御住在贸易等其它领域算旧账的诱惑?
He has communitarian inclinations. 他有社群主义的倾向。
The economics profession took pride in this bleak realism, gleefully extending the model to the family and smugly contrasting itself with the gentler communitarian values of the softer social sciences. 经济学界以这种冷冰冰的实用主义为荣,高高兴兴地将这种模式推广到家庭,并自鸣得意地将它与社会科学领域那些更为温和的团队合作主义价值观进行对比。
The school can be labelled communitarian, although its members dispute the term or that there is a school at all. 我们可以为这一学派贴上社群主义的标签,不过其成员对这种称谓抱有异议,甚至根本否认有这样一个学派存在。
New Liberalism, Communitarian and New Left criticize fierily the weak government theory of Neo-liberalism. 新自由主义、社群主义和新左派对保守自由主义的弱政府理论提出了猛烈批评。
As a social and political thought, basic communitarian ideas appeared in the Pre-chin Confucianism. 儒家社群主义作为一种社会与政治思想,其基本观念在先秦儒家那里就已具备。
Communitarian and liberalism argue about the justice problem vehemently, communitarian criticize the individualism philosophy foundation of the liberalism deeply, and consider that one cannot escape from the community. 社群主义与自由主义就正义问题展开了激烈的争论:社群主义深刻地批判了自由主义的个人主义哲学基础,认为个人不能脱离社群;
From the perspective of communitarian and liberal interpretation of their argument can be divided into three parts: individual-based and Community-based justice priority on good and good priority not just the country neutral and positive for the country. 文章从共同体主义和自由主义比较的视角对共同体主义进行了解读,可把它们的争论细化为三大部分:个人本位与共同体本位、正义优先于善与善优先于正义、国家中立与国家积极有为。
Back to the development history of social security system, we can see that the safeguard of the rights to exist and develop for communitarian is the ultimate value pursue of social security system all the time. 追溯社会保障制度的发展史,我们看到,保障社会成员的生存权和发展权始终是社会保障制度的根本价值追求。
Marx communitarian based on the Marxist concept of "person", a comprehensive analysis can be found, three Marxist Communities: natural Community, illusory community, real Community, which, true Community of the social patterns of the ideal of Marxism. 马克思共同体主义立足于马克思主义的人观,综合分析可以发现,马克思主义者提出了三种共同体:自然共同体、虚幻共同体、真实共同体,其中,真实共同体是马克思主义的理想社会样态。
Many scholars classify Walzer as communitarian in the tradition of analytic philosophy and consider his thought as relativism and conservatism. 在分析哲学传统之下,很多学者将沃尔泽归入社群主义者的行列,并认为他的思想在本质上是相对主义的和保守主义的。
Literature on organizational change and educational reform indicates the inclination of the communitarian model for school organization which promotes open flow of information, flexible roles of members and their cooperation. 很多组织变革及教育改革的文献提倡共同体模式的学校组织。这种模式强调信息流通的开发性,成员角色的灵活性,及成员的合作。