From illusion to reality, Compagnie Philippe genty travels through a universe where absurd, derisive, cruel images fit into a method of association without narrative logic, as in a dream. 从幻象到现实,菲腊。尚狄木偶剧团游走于广阔天地中,这个天地把荒谬、嘲弄、残酷的意象彷佛如梦境一般,没有叙述逻辑地串连在一起。
It was the Chinese bank that appears to have insisted in taking a direct stake in the Compagnie Financi è re to underpin its banking alliance with the Rothschilds. 似乎是这家中资银行坚持直接持有洛希尔银行的股权,以巩固与后者的银行业务联盟。