Effect of Reactive Compatibilization on Nucleation Activity of Filler in Polypropylene/ Nano-Silica Composites 反应性增容对PP/纳米SiO2中填料成核活性的影响
Mechanism of in Situ Compatibilization and Degradation by Friedel-Crafts Alkylation Reaction for Polymer Blends 高分子共混物中Friedel-Crafts烷基化反应原位增容与催化降解机理
Compatibilization and toughening of bismaleimide/ polyetherimide blend system 双马来酰亚胺/聚醚酰亚胺共混体系的增韧改性研究
Currently part of operation limestone-gypsum wet desulphurization equipment, due to the changes of sulfur content coal, that face absorber compatibilization situation. 目前国内投运的部分石灰石&石膏湿法脱硫装置中,由于燃煤含硫率变化而面临着吸收塔增容改造的局面。
Combined Lewis Acids Catalysed in-situ Compatibilization of Poly ( octene-ethylene) and Polystyrene Blends 双路易斯酸催化原位增容乙烯辛烯共聚物/聚苯乙烯的共混物
Compatibilization of Nanometer-Sized TiO_2 on Polypropylene/ Polyamide 6 Blends 纳米TiO2对聚丙烯/尼龙6共混物的增容作用
The kind of polymer blends and the mechanism of compatibilization are introduced briefly. 简单介绍了聚合物共混的类型,增容剂的作用原理。
Study on the Compatibilization of PP/ TPU Blends 聚丙烯/热塑性聚氨酯弹性体的相容性
Study on Compatibilization of Oxazoline-modified ABS to PA6/ ABS Blends ABS恶唑啉化对PA6/ABS共混物的增容作用研究
Influence of Compatibilization Methods on Properties of PP/ FF Composite 增容方法对聚丙烯/亚麻纤维性能的影响
Reactive compatibilization, its mechanism and morphology control factors in polymer blends were briefly reviewed. 综述了聚合物共混物的反应性增容及相形态控制的研究现状。
Compatibilization of PDMS/ PU Blends(ⅰ) 聚二甲基硅氧烷/聚氨酯共混体系的增容作用(Ⅰ)
The result showed that CPE had good compatibilization for PVC/ SBR blend. 试验结果表明CPE对PVC/SBR共混体系有良好的增容作用。
At the same time, the compatibilization mechanisms were given. 同时给出了各种增容剂的增容机理。
New approaches for optimization of UV stabilization using grafting, compatibilization, polymerizable stabilizers and polymer bound stabilizers are emphasized. 强调了新的优化紫外稳定性的方法包括接枝法、增容作用,可聚合性稳定剂和聚合物结合稳定剂。
Study on Properties of Reactive Compatibilization of PA66/ UHMWPE/ HDPE-g-GMA Blend Alloy HDPE-g-GMA反应性增容PA66/UHMWPE共混合金性能研究
Compatibilization Effects of PE-g-AA on LLDPE/ PA6 Alloy LLDPE-g-AA对LLDPE/PA6合金体系的增容作用
Fractal analysis on compatibilization of PP-g-MAH in PP/ PA 6 blending system PP-g-MAH增容PP/PA6体系的分形理论分析
Morphology and properties of PP/ PA 6 blends modified by reactive compatibilization 反应增容PP/PA6共混体系的形态与性能
DMA curves proved the reactive compatibilization. Effects on glass transition activation energy were also investigated. DMA谱图证实,PP-g-GMA对PA66/PP的反应有增容作用,并计算出其对PA66/PP玻璃化转变活化能的影响。
The current development situation, compatibilization technology, main properties and application of polyamide alloys are introduced. 介绍了聚酰胺合金的开发现状、相容化技术、主要性能及应用领域。
Effects of Compatibilization and dynamical cure on the morphology of polypropylene/ epoxy blends 增容作用和动态固化对聚丙烯/环氧树脂共混物形态结构的影响
The compatibilization mechanism and reason for the improvement of processability were discussed. 讨论了共混体系的增容机理与加工流动性改善的原因。
Compatibilization effects of PE g MAH on HDPE/ PA6 blend are studied by DSC and its influences on the mechanical properties and miscibility of the blend are discussed. 利用DSC研究了PEgMAH对HDPE/PA6共混体系的增容作用,并讨论了PEgMAH对HDPE/PA6共混物的混容性能和力学性能的影响。
The compatibilization effect of amphiphilic hyperbranched poly ( amide-ester)( A-HPAE) on the mechanical and rheological properties of PVC/ PP blends was investigated. 研究了两亲性超支化聚(胺-酯)(A-HPAE)对PVC/PP共混体系的增容作用,讨论了其用量对PVC/A-HPAE/PP共混体系力学性能和复数黏度的影响。
The dispersion and compatibilization of the filler in EVA resin were characterized using SEM and TEM. 用TEM、SEM分析了Al(OH)3粉体改性前后在EVA树脂中的分散性与相容性。
Technology and Application of Reactive Compatibilization of Polymer Alloys 高分子合金的反应性增容技术与应用
Study on Compatibilization of PP-g-AA to PP/ mica PP-g-AA对PP/云母增容作用的研究
The effects of compatibilization and dynamical cure on the morphology of polypropylene ( PP)/ epoxy ( EP) blends were studied. 研究了增容作用和动态固化对聚丙烯(PP)/环氧树脂(EP)共混物形态结构的影响。
POE-g-MAH obviously improved the toughness and strength of PP/ PA6 blending system due to its superior compatibilization. POE-g-MAH能明显改善PP/PA6共混体系的韧性和强度,具有良好的增容作用。