Such worries led San Francisco in 2007 and Seattle in 2009 to ban plastic foam, instead requiring food vendors to provide compostable or recyclable to-go containers. 出于这样的担忧,旧金山在2007年、西雅图在2009年禁止使用泡沫塑料,而要求食品销售者提供可分解或者可循环使用的外带容器。
Putting a compost box in the garden, so that the compostable garbage could used as fertilizer into garden plants. 在花园中放置堆肥盒,这样有机生活垃圾可以用来灌溉花园植被;
This is a compostable bioplastic which retracts at temperatures lower than polyethylene terephthalate. 这是一种生物塑料是在堆肥温度比聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯的低缩回。