From that time on, the comprador took advantage of their particular status and experience fully to take active part in national insurance of late Qing Dynasty. 以此为开端,买办凭借其特殊的身份和经历积极参与到晚清民族保险业中,并在近代中国民族保险业的初创中发挥出至关重要的作。
The big landlord and big comprador classes in particular always side with imperialism and constitute an extreme counter-revolutionary group. 特别是大地主阶级和大买办阶级,他们始终站在帝国主义一边,是极端的反革命派。
This way it is clear that the target of armed struggle will be against feudals, landlords, comprador and bureaucratic capitalists. 很明显,武装斗争的目标将是反对封建主、主、办和官僚资产阶级。
Comprador agent referred to, of course, the sale of comprador comprador economics! 经纪人简称买办,买办贩卖的当然是买办经济学!
During the war of resistance against Japan we exploited the contradiction between Britain and the United States on the one hand and Japan on the other, first striking down the Japanese aggressors and the comprador group depending on the m. 我们在抗日战争的时候,就利用英、美和日本的矛盾,首先打倒日本侵略者和依附于它的买办集团。
Part II narrates the history of comprador creation, development and extinction; 第二个部分简述一下买办产生、发展和灭亡的历史过程;
Hence the comprador Chinese big bourgeoisie has always been a target of the revolution. 因此,中国的带买办性的大资产阶级历来都是革命的对象。
This is the comprador class by the bureaucracy and the civilian population constitutes a proletarian mode of the dumbbell. 这是由官僚买办阶级与平民无产者构成的哑铃模式。
We have been speaking here mainly about the upper or comprador bourgeoisie. 这里主要谈的是上层或者买办资产阶级。
The landlord class and the comprador class. 地主阶级和买办阶级。
Comprador, traitor, running dog? 买办,汉奸,走狗?
The imperialist powers have made the feudal landlord class as well as the comprador class the main props of their rule in China. 买办阶级之外,帝国主义列强又使中国的封建地主阶级变为它们统治中国的支柱。
In the semi-feudal, semi-colonial China of the past, prisons were tools of the feudal, bureaucratic and comprador classes who used them to persecute and slaughter revolutionaries and the oppressed people. 在半封建、半殖民地的旧中国,监狱是封建、官僚、买办阶级屠杀、残害革命者和被压迫人民的工具。
The national bourgeoisie is less feudal than the landlord class and not so comprador as the comprador class. 民族资产阶级没有地主阶级那样多的封建性,没有买办阶级那样多的买办性。
3 the Chinese big bourgeoisie, which is comprador in character, is a class which directly serves imperialism and is fostered by it. 三中国的带买办性的大资产阶级,是直接为帝国主义服务并为它们所豢养的阶级。
The middle bourgeoisie constitutes the national bourgeoisie as distinct from the comprador class, i.e. from the big bourgeoisie. 中等资产阶级就是除了买办阶级即大资产阶级以外的民族资产阶级。
Over the past nine years the national bourgeoisie has deserted its ally, the working class, and made friends with the landlord and comprador classes, but has it gained anything? 九年以来,他们抛弃了自己的同盟者工人阶级,和地主买办阶级做朋友,得了什么好处没有呢?
The comprador is one of the most wealthy classes in modern china, and has always worked particularly vividly in Chinese modern-style business enterprise. 买办在近代中国新式企业活动中一直是一个活跃的也是最富有的群体。
With the information and credit mechanism offered by the net, comprador institution settled the problem of lacking information and risk-controlling, and propelled the modern commerce. 买办制度正是借助于封闭型网络的信息机制和信用保障机制,解决了交易过程中的信息缺乏和风险控制问题,推动了我国新式商业的发展。
The comprador became a synonym for wealth and was a lordly figure on whom petty shopkeepers looked with awe. 买办变成富有的同义字,以及小店主们必须敬畏看待的权势象徵。
I. The maturity of comprador system in early twentieth century. 二十世纪前期买办制度的成熟买办经济状况的变化首先是由于买办制度的变化。
The victory of Hamas in the elections has caught this comprador class by surprise. 令人惊奇的是,哈马斯在大选中的获胜让这种买办阶级做法原形毕现。
Analysis of Comprador Class 'Occupational Income in the Early 20th Century& Taking Occupation as the Research Perspective 20世纪前期买办阶层职业收入分析&以行业为视角
In economically backward and semi-colonial China the landlord class and the comprador class are wholly appendages of the international bourgeoisie, depending upon imperialism for their survival and growth. 在经济落后的半殖民地的中国,地主阶级和买办阶级完全是国际资产阶级的附庸,其生存和发展,是附属于帝国主义的。
To serve the needs of its aggression, imperialism created the comprador system and bureaucrat-capital in China. 为了侵略的必要,帝国主义给中国造成了买办制度,造成了官僚资本。
He is a comprador capitalist with strong economic power in Shanghai. 他是上海非常有实力的买办资本家。
The comprador big bourgeoisie is a class which directly serves the capitarists of the imperialist countries and is nurtured by them; countless ties link it closely with the feudal forces in the countryside. 带买办性的大资产阶级,是直接为帝国主义国家的资本家服务并为他们所豢养的阶级,他们和农村中的封建势力有着千丝万缕的联系。
As yet the domestic counter-revolutionary forces of the big landlord and comprador classes are stronger than the people's revolutionary forces. 国内豪绅买办阶级的反革命势力,在目前还是大过人民的革命势力。
It is a feature of semi-colonial China that, since the first year of the republic, the various cliques of old and new warlords have waged incessant wars against one another, supported by imperialism from abroad and by the comprador and landlord classes at home. 帝国主义和国内买办豪绅阶级支持着的各派新旧军阀,从民国元年以来,相互间进行着继续不断的战争,这是半殖民地中国的特征之一。
For the national bourgeoisie is not the same as either the landlord or the comprador class, there is a difference between them. 这是因为民族资产阶级同地主阶级、买办阶级不是同一的东西,他们之间是有分别的。