Some services are now compulsorily put out to tender. 现在,有些服务项目必须进行招标。
If a non-settlement member fails to add the deposit or close the position by itself within the time limit specified by the settlement agreement, the general settlement member futures company has the right to compulsorily close the position of the non-settlement member. 非结算会员未在结算协议约定的时间内追加保证金或者自行平仓的,全面结算会员期货公司有权对该非结算会员的持仓强行平仓。
Should government compulsorily make citizen to wear surgical mask or gloves? 你觉得政府是否应该强迫所有市民带口罩或胶手套?
Opposition to the alleged rash advance meant not only halting the expansion but compulsorily dissolving or "axing" large numbers of co-operatives already set up, thus rousing dissatisfaction among the cadres and peasant masses. 所谓反冒进,不但是停止发展,而且是成批地强迫解散或者“砍掉”了已经建成的合作社,引起了干部和农民群众的不满意。
Should a linked or conjoined use with a Mexican trademark be finally and compulsorily required, then such a Mexican trademark shall be a trademark which shall be mutually agreed upon by Y and X and which shall be the property of fcam. 如果使用墨西哥关联商标是不可避免的话,那么最终使用的墨西哥商标需得到x和y的一致同意,并且该商标应作为fcam的财产。
It might seem preferable to many that private entities should subsidise public projects, as has occurred in China, than that private entities should compulsorily, through taxes, subsidise private projects as has occurred with the rescue packages for private banks in the US and Europe. 在许多人看来,让私人实体资助公共项目(比如中国的情况),似乎比通过税收强制私人实体资助私人项目(比如美国和欧洲为私人银行提供援助的一揽子方案)更为可取。
One compulsorily enrolled for service, especially in the armed forces; a draftee. a sergeant deputized to enlist recruits. 被征募者强迫加入服役的人,尤指加入军队;应征入伍者代表招募新兵的军官。
Er, well, luck, I suppose, is my compulsorily self-effacing answer. 嗯,噢,我想是运气,我故作自谦地答道。
The system requires all dealers in Darjeeling tea to compulsorily enter into a license agreement with the Tea Board India and pay an annual license fee. 该制度要求,所有大吉岭茶经销商必须与印度茶叶委员会签订许可协议,并且每年缴付许可费。
Epidemics of Class I refer to those which cause serious damage to humans and animals and need to take urgent, rigorous measures to compulsorily prevent, bring under control or exterminate them. 一类疫病,是指对人畜危害严重、需要采取紧急、严厉的强制预防、控制、扑灭措施的;
He was compulsorily retired as incompetent. 他以无能为由而被迫退休。
A trustee in bankruptcy The Official Receiver's Office administers the estates of individual bankrupts and companies ordered to be compulsorily wound up by the Court of First Instance of the High Court. 破产管理署负责管理个别破产人的财产,以及由香港高等法院原讼法庭颁令强制清盘的公司的资产。
By introducing a typical case, this paper expounds the common reasons for disbanding a corporation compulsorily in judicial procedure. 以典型案例作引子,阐明了公司司法解散的理由。
Where members fail to complete the positionclosing within a given time, the exchange shall compulsorily execute it. 会员未在规定时限内执行完毕的,由交易所强制执行。
Except as stipulated in the above paragraphs, a general settlement member futures company and a non-settlement company may stipulate in the settlement agreement the circumstances under which the positions may be compulsorily closed. 除前款规定外,全面结算会员期货公司可以与非结算会员在结算协议中约定应予强行平仓的其他情形。
Selling publications by attaching irrelevant ones or compulsorily selling publications; Unlawfully modifying the copyright page of the publication; 搭配销售出版物和强行推销出版物的;擅自更改出版物版权页的;
The approach to the realization of the procedure value in administrative legislation is to realize the value of positive participation, to realize the value of option flexibly and to realize the value of conditioning compulsorily. 实现行政立法的程序价值的途径在于,积极地实现参与性价值,灵活地实现选择性价值和强制地实现制约性价值。
And in implementing compulsorily, the compulsory force mainly comes from the law system. 而在强制性履约中,契约履行的强制力则主要来自于法律制度。
Legal regulation means a process in which state or legal norm authorized by state spontaneously or compulsorily affect among subjects or between subject and object relating to their communicative relations, with the aid of subjects ′ legal consciousness or under protection by state ′ s compulsory forces. 法律调整是指国家或者经过国家认可的法律规范,在主体法律意识或者国家强制力量的保障下,自发地或者强制地作用于主体间、以及主体与客体间交往关系的过程。
Therefore it's a significant theory topic and also an urgent practice question to research government compulsorily starting construction energy conservation, and urging it to enter the track of marketing independent movement. 因此,研究政府强制性地全面启动建筑节能,并促使其尽早进入市场化自主运行的轨道,既是一个重大的理论课题,也是一个紧迫的实践问题。
When using compulsorily wind cooling in electronic cabinet, it's ventilation is a important parameter in design. 电子机柜在采用强迫风冷时,其所需的通风量是一项重要的设计参数。
But national environmental protection policies guide the upgrading of industrial technology and guide the layout of the enterprises compulsorily. This structural adjustment provides great developing opportunities or the newly-established ready mixed concrete enterprises. 但国家环保政策强制性引导产业技术的升级和企业布局的合理化也为新商品混凝土企业提供了发展机遇。
The compulsory education is the elementary education demands every age-appropriate child and teenager must accept it with limited years compulsorily with regulation of the law in our country and guaranteed by the country, society and families. 义务教育是国家以法律形式予以规定的,国家、社会和家庭都必须予以保障的,要求全体适龄儿童和青少年都必须强制性地接受规定年限的国民基础教育。
The incontestable clause is compulsorily applicable that even the insurer does not bring this clause into the contest of the insurance contract, the law will also make it become a part of the contract applicable universally. 不可抗辩条款具有法律强制适用的性质,即使保险人并未将该条款纳入保险合同内容,法律也强制使该条款成为合同内容的一部分,具有适用的普遍性。
Among the civil cases, mostly were first instance cases and the compulsorily executed ones, of which debt disputes got the top. 民事案件中以第一审和强制执行案件居多,第一审案件中债权纠纷居首位。
Firstly, saying for the residual control rights, the core of investor protection lies in implementing the contract perfectly. A perfect system of implementing contract contains three levels: implementing by self, implementing by the third private party and implementing compulsorily. 首先,对于对于剩余控制权益来说,中小投资者保护的核心在于契约的有效履行。而一个完善的履约体系包含了自我履约、第三方私人履约和强制性履约三个层次。
At present, investor protection theories mainly emphasize the influence of legal system. However, as a way to implement the contract compulsorily, the law is important, but it protects minority investors incompletely. 当前对于投资者保护理论的研究主要强调了法律制度的影响,然而法律作为一种强制履约方式,其对投资者的保护虽然重要,但并不完全。
For this, there were some pilot cities firstly to carry out medical liability insurance compulsorily, this model received good results. I will give a brief introduction to these regions which existed characteristics and the effects. 针对此,我国一些城市率先试点开展医疗强制责任保险,此种模式获得了很好的成效,就其中较有特色的地区及效果做一简要介绍。