Javert owed the post which he occupied to the protection of M.Chabouillet, the secretary of the Minister of State, Comte Angeles, then prefect of police at Paris. 沙威取得这个职位是夏布耶先生保荐的,夏布耶先生是昂格勒斯伯爵任内阁大臣期间的秘书,当时任巴黎警署署长。
Things will not go well, M.le Comte, until the Emperor has freed us from these black-capped rascals. 伯爵先生,如果皇上不替我们肃清这些吃教的坏蛋,一切事都好不了。
The noise in the Opera House went on for a long time. In Box 14, Philippe, the Comte de Chagny, turned to his younger brother and smiled. 歌剧院里的喧闹声持续了很长一段时间。在14号包厢里,菲利普,这位沙尼家族的伯爵,微笑着转向他的弟弟。
In many important respects, therefore, Durkheim remained a faithful disciple of Comte's positivism. 由此可见,在许多重要方面,尔凯姆仍然是孔德实征主义的忠实信徒。
For instance, philosophers and thinkers such as Bacon, Comte have made an original study of the interactions between the science and society. 其中,培根、孔德等哲学家和思想家对科学与社会互动关系的开创性研究,贡献比较突出。
We shall have to accept Comte's plea for a unified social science. 我们要接受孔德要求建立统一社会科学的呼吁。
With this, we reach a result which contrasts startlingly with the still fashionable method of Comte and Mill. 就此,我们得出了与孔德和密尔那个至今还很时髦的方法极不相同的结论。
Auguste Comte of France and Herbert Spencer of Britain advocated the Balance Theory in the field of philosophy, also called Equilibrium Theory. 法国的孔德先生和英国的斯宾塞先生所主张的哲学方面的平衡论,亦称均衡论。
You know, we didn't think she'd last long until she married the comte. 起初,大家都不认为她能等到嫁给伯爵。
Believing that this purpose could be achieved only through an appeal to the emotions of love and self-sacrifice, Comte developed what he called the religion of Humanity. 他相信这个目标可以只通过对爱和自我奉献的感情的呼吁来实现,所以就发展了他所谓的人性博爱的宗教。
According the August comte, a French positivism philosopher in19th, knowledge can be divided into three catalogues: theological knowledge, metaphysical knowledge and positive knowledge of science; 19世纪法国实证主义哲学家孔德(augustcomte)认为,知识可以分类为虚构的宗教知识、抽象的形而上学知识和科学的实证知识。
It went on to serve as part of the French expeditionary force that arrived in America in1780 under Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, comte de Rochambeau. 在1780年,在让·巴普蒂斯·杜纳坦·德·维缪尔,罗尚博伯爵的带领下,作为法国远征军的他们来到了美国。
"Say to the Comte de salvieux that I would like to see him." “去,告诉萨尔维伯爵,就说我在这儿等着他。”
Positivism, a philosophy system established by Comte, is regarded not to embrace theology or metaphysics. 实证主义是孔德确立的关于实证科学的哲学体系,被认为与神学、形而上学互不包容。
His opinions of the Chinese rite controversy and enlightened despotism, and his admiration for Chinese culture were largely from Louis Le Comte's book. 在伏尔泰关于中国礼仪之争的态度、开明君主专制思想及对中国文化的崇拜方面都受到李明此书的影响。
Hegel has a great influence on Sarton's unified thought, and August · Comte's entirety thought and positivism thought are one of the main theory origin of Sarton's science view too. 孔德的整体性思想和实证主义思想也成了萨顿科学观的主要思想源泉之一。
The intellectual heirs of Comte are the contemporary positivists. 孔德的后继者就是现代的实证论者。
The Structural Functionalism Examination on Chinese Characterization of Scientific Socialism's Organism, Structure and Function& On Comte's Organic Functionalism of Allegory 科学社会主义中国化的结构功能主义审视有机体·结构·功能&孔德有机体类比功能主义及其他
Modern: Such questions are otiose ( Comte); 这些问题是多余的(孔德);
On the basis of repeated comparisons with theology and metaphysics, Comte induced the characteristics of positivist spirit and its tendency filled in it, the absolute will be replaced by the relative. 在与神学、形而上学反复比较的基础上,孔德归纳出实证精神的特点及实证精神充满的由相对代替绝对的这一趋势。
Comte's Re-establishment of the Social Order in Human Religion 孔德在人类宗教中重建社会秩序
This article summarizes the combination process of Comte's ideas about positivism and sociology, and discusses the social conditions and the idea sources of Comte's Positivistic Sociology, This article also discusses how Comte developed his Positivistic Sociology. 本文简要概述了孔德的实证主义与其社会学思想的结合过程,并对其实证主义社会学产生的社会历史条件和思想渊源进行了回溯,探讨分析了孔德的社会学是如何形成其实证主义传统的。
Comte maintained that, in the past, religion has always been a main pillar of social order; it will also be needed in the future society for maintaining social order. 孔德认为宗教过去一直都是社会秩序的主要支柱,在未来社会还要靠宗教来维持社会秩序,但是一种新宗教。
Comte settled the contradiction between individual emotion and social emotion following holistic and social principia, so that he showed emotional positivism path to construct harmonious social order. 孔德遵循整体性和社会性的基本原则来解决个人情感与社会情感的矛盾,从而找到了构建和谐社会秩序的情感实证主义路径。
Comte · Auguste: An Approach to Emotion as Social Order Perspective 孔德:社会秩序视野中的情感研究
As a subject, the object of research and methods of research of sociology are not clear by Auguste Comte, the starter of the methods. 社会学作为一门独立的学科,其研究对象和研究方法在其创始人孔德那里并不明确。
Analysis on the Origin of Comte's Ideas of Positivistic Sociology 探析孔德实证主义社会学思想起源
His research including not only European philosophy such as Hegel, Comte, Kant, etc. but Chinese philosophy such as History, case type, historical materials etc.. 在哲学的研究方面,他既有对西方哲学领域黑格尔、孔德、康德等的研究,也有对中国哲学的通史性、个案式、史料学等的研究①。